Chapter 36

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Autumn was to an end by the time Jimin and Lorraine's– along with everyone else's work schedules were coming to a pause.

The recently aired news of the power couple, Matt and Ivey being pregnant was blowing up the internet.

Jimin had been on about buying a new house for her and Lorraine in Seoul for whenever she comes. But she knew that was one of his sneaky tricks to make her come to Seoul as often as she could.

With everyone's thriving success because of their immense hardworking, everyone felt overjoyed. Jimin and Lorraine felt at peace. Though not seeing each other for months didn't help but doing what they loved and being into their regular schedule gave them inner serenity.

BTS had been flying from one country to another for their world tours, receiving the love they didn't even know they deserved. They were sure that every one cried at least once during the world tour. Jimin cried thrice, for he had never expected he would have dated anyone before the disbanding of the band which he dreaded to think of. It was either this or that, either focus on your career or date someone. Not that he thought he would never find love, but that he would be doing this together. And receiving comfort, love, and understanding from ARMYs. They really gave him reasons to believe the world was a good place.

They were finally back home, to Seoul. Where the matched-in-heaven friends were thinking of nothing but their beloved beds and wanting to eat nothing foreign but simple Korean home-made food.

Although Jimin had different plans. He wanted to visit his parents. He hadn't seen them in– say, years. He had been with them for an year when his brother died and then...well, then it was all media and their opinions.

They talked. Hell, Jimin talked to his mother for at least three hours everyday. But things get worse when you're a public figure and it's hard to mourn when everyone wants to take your picture everywhere you go. It becomes harder to hide when there's a tear everytime you blink and you try to control the scream of pain in front of everyone. Or just– just yell at the world to leave you alone.

But this...this was a perfect opportunity. His mother had been wanting to meet the actress for a while now ever since he had started talking about her like she was the only person in the world.

The other and the simpler reason would be that Jimin missed his mother.

Why wouldn't he?

Too much had fucking happened and he hadn't even had the chance to seek comfort.

Speaking of relationships though, while Lorraine and Jimin were busy with their budding relationship, Jungkook and Ana might have had another little thing going on.

No, they didn't fuck but sharing nudes and getting off on them counted, right?  Roasting eachother and laughing at nothing counted, right? Talking in hushed voices when everyone was asleep till 4 AM fucking counted, right?

"Hey! It's not that risky!" Jungkook whisper- shouted at his phone. "So what if they draw tattoos free hand? They were experienced as hell."

"You're so dumb! What if they ruin it?! It'll stay on your fucking skin for the rest of your life!"

"No! No! So you're telling me you don't enjoy that little risk?! I can't believe you don't have one tattoo out of seventeen that has been drawn free handed?!"

"Nope." Ana quipped.

"You're a pussy."

"And you're an idiot."

Jungkook grinned rolling in his bed and laying on his stomach, feeling sleepy but not wanting to stop talking with her. "Where are you right now? LA?"

"I'm at my parents."

"Oh..." He mumbled, trying to process because of the heaviness in his eyes. "Where do your parents live?"


He hummed and closed his eyes. ", you grew up in Seattle? You and Lorraine? You've been rich all your lives..."

Ana hummed over the call. "We met when we were five. Then when we were twelve, I had to move to another city. But we met again!" Ana chimed.

"You keep notes of your ages?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Why, you don't?"

"I do." Jungkook chuckled. "When I was sixteen I had this huge ass crush on Namjoon. I felt like I'd combust on the spot every time he looked at me."

He could hear Ana laughing on the other line. There was a silence, a long one. Jungkook had almost dozed off.

"I need to tell you something," Ana's voice brought him back to reality. He blinked a few times before speaking.


"I'm uh..I'm dating someone."

"That's good– wait what?!"

"I'm dating someone...?"

All the sleep flew away from Jungkook's existence. To be shocked was an understatement. Before he could even comprehend further, Ana was speaking again.

"Look... Jungkook I know– I know I led you on...and I'm really sorry. I really am. But I– he's...the one I'm dating, he has a lot to do with my past. A lot. You understand that, right?"

Understand. Understand?

"No, no you fucking– it doesn't work that way! If you're not interested in me then why am I over here, wasting my precious ass time over you?!"

"But I–"

"You led me on! Fuck! And I was thinking of taking you to a Europe trip like a fucking– shit, Ana."

"Jungkook just– just let me explain."

Here was the thing. Jungkook was a spoiled boy. He had tantrums to throw in for anything he wanted and didn't get.

"No! Fuck you!"

Jungkook lost interest quite easily. Really, it wasn't that big of a deal if you looked at it. But he had to throw tantrums because– because well, Jungkook. With rage, he cut the call and threw his phone on the bed.

What he didn't know was, that the girl Ana was dating was a very important part of her life. But somehow...the man she was dating was a more important part of Lorraine's life.

The man Ana was dating was the only part of Lorraine's past that she hadn't let go of. Had clung onto it because it was the only good part. Better than rest, atleast.

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