Chapter 17

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Not thinking about Jimin was hard.

And thinking about Jimin and not having a breakdown was harder.

Lorraine never learned.

She had constantly ignored her assistant's calls for the past few days, so much that she had fed her up and Antoinette had just dropped a message saying 'you're nominated, get your ass out of your house'.

It wasn't like Lorraine wasn't happy, she was. But she didn't feel deserving of the award when she couldn't focus on acting. Also because she had to go out now and pick up her dress for the occasion, get a spa, groom herself and stuff.

That's what had led her to get out of the room after taking a long shower, then looking at herself in the mirror for ten straight minutes, opening the above bathroom cabinet and looking at her meds, getting furious and throwing them somewhere in the bathroom, breaking down into another crying mess.

Nonetheless, she was finally out. She searched for her dog, finding him sprawled across the living room sofa. She spent another ten minutes just letting and hugging Fantastic silently, partly because she felt sorry for abandoning him like that and also because she needed her dog after the hurricane of emotions that had taken place a few days ago.

Still couldn't believe Jimin left.

"Let's take you to the stylist as well, yeah?" She told her dog, getting dressed, applying make-up by herself because her make up stylist had no idea of her time schedule right now. She went out of the house with her dog, an angry looking Antoinette standing by the car.

It was easier to pretend Lorraine didn't care behind her sun glasses.


Jimin knew he had lost it.

Then he came drunk in the practice room, and everyone else knew he had lost it.

"Jimin, are you drunk?" His choreographer had cornered him, but Jimin refused to meet his eyes, maintaining his nonchalant behaviour.

He knew he couldn't even stand properly and even a monkey could tell he was slipping into craziness rather quickly. If it had been any other day, everyone would have laughed at him for being drunk and stupid things.

Except for today, because Jimin wasn't doing stupid things.

He was just simply, into himself and he just wanted to dance. That's all he came for, and then everyone will leave, and he'll still be doing it.

He shrugged his choreographer off, taking his position.

"You don't have to stand there."

"Oh." He slurred out, looking everywhere and not understanding where the fuck he was standing and where did he even have to go now. Or how the hell to lift up his leg.

A very pissed off Hoseok grabbed him by the upper arm to pull him somewhere he had to stand. Everyone eyed Jimin sceptically, contemplating whether to tell him that perhaps he shouldn't dance today.

But they knew he'd shout and curse and get what he wanted so they didn't.

"Do you even know what song are we preparing?"

"Doesn't matter."

Everyone just gave him an incredulous look, but Jimin just ignored them. It really didn't matter until and unless he was dancing and getting high on it. This was what he was doing. He danced as an alternative of getting high.

He was a freaking sociopath.

The music started playing and the familiar buzz started to numb his senses, his body loosening on accord as he started moving.

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