Chapter 25

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Lorraine sat at the bed defeatedly, staring into nothingness as tears welled up in her eyes, her throat burning with emotions...and also for the sentence she was going to say next. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, her eyes boring into the fire burning in the fireplace.

But the heat was nothing compared to what Jimin's body was radiating beside her. It was something so entirely bizarre. There were just too many emotions and she couldn't now, she just couldn't. She had had enough.

"I love you, Jimin." She breathed out so defeatedly, shaking her head as the sudden rush of fear rippled through her. "I've always had, you've made me feel things I thought were never possible if not acting in a movie."

Jimin's head didn't snap towards her, instead, a tear dropped from his eye, staring into the same fire as hers.

"I tried to avoid it so much but it still happened. But if I have to choose between my career and you, with all due respect, Jimin... I'll have to let go. I'll always choose acting above anyone, perhaps even don't hope for me...don't-" She muffled her sobs with the back of his hand. "Don't don't deserve someone like me. You can have a simple life, a loving wife, honest money and children. I can't give that to you, I never gave that to myself."

Jimin didn't say anything, nothing. He licked his lips and then slowly nodded.

"Perhaps it's for the best..." He said. "But it doesn't happen I've tried it myself, and you know how much we're still hurting because of that."

She looked at him, eyes brimming with tears.

"Then what do I do?"

Jimin couldn't hold it in anymore, just looking at Lorraine made his body ignite in fire. And he was just craving this feeling more and more.

He gulped, lightly taking her hand and interlocking his fingers with hers, he leaned closer and rested his forehead on hers.

"Please don't push me, I'm trying to make you feel safe." He whispered and Lorraine instantly paralysed as his honey-like voice washed over her.

"I've never acted upon these kinds of emotions before, especially in public, I act upon wisdom... so I'm as new to this as you are, Lorraine."

A beat passed as Lorraine continued looking down. Yes, it was right, their recent events have been endured because of these foreign feelings that scared her to death.

Sometimes, she just wished to be a normal person. She didn't have to face all of this. But then she realised how much she loved this industry, it ran through her.

"What are you doing?" She asked as Jimin's fingers trailed up her arms, not understanding why they talking in hushed voices but it somehow was succeeding to soothe her down.

"Something I should have done a long time ago."

He cupped her face, making her look at him.

"We're gonna get through this together, Lorraine. It's fine, I understand...I was so caught up in doing the right thing that I forgot what the right thing's you. It has always been you, Lorraine." he scoffed. "Guess I'm too egoistic for my own good. Success screws us up."

"And what if... What if we don't get through this?"

Jimin smiled lightly.

"Then we'll end in style."

Lorraine chuckled, followed by him. It was after a long time they were smiling like this beside each other.

Jimin retreated before standing up and urging his hand towards her to take it.

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