Chapter 13

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That's how Lorraine felt right now, sitting behind Jimin on his Harley while he rode the bike through the highway, her hair wooshing by the cold wind as her arms wrapped around his waist.

After that morning when she had the panic attack, her assistant was quick to take her back to LA. Lorraine didn't really remember stuff from the call that took place with her and Jimin so she was surprised when after two days, Jimin had shown up at her house with a helmet and a leather jacket on.

"How'd you get in here?" Lorraine asked once he removed his helmet to ruffle back his blonde hair.

"Your guard is my fan." He grinned.

"Come on." He had said. "Let's sneak out."

"Right now?"

"If I can dare, I'm sure you can too."

That's how she had ended up here, sitting behind him as he drove off the highway, raptured by the bliss of feeling alive.

It was nearing night, perhaps by the time they'd find a destination, the sky would be blanketed by darkness. She didn't really care, she didn't want the ride to end as long as it meant leaning over Jimin's strong back and inhaling in the scent of his leather jacket, his cologne and himself.

An hour later, Jimin parked by a motel. She recognised the roots and knew this was near the Hollywood hills, but they wouldn't go there, at least not today. Its entry board said Honeymoon Inn, which made Jimin grin for some reason.

She got off the bike first, taking off her helmet and ruffling her brown hair which bounced like those on the Pantene commercials.

Jimin couldn't help but admire her casual outfit. She was wearing some ripped jeans and a strapless black blouse, topping it over with a furry coat and combats. She looked gorgeous, badass style gorgeous.

Realising he was just comically staring at her walk towards one of the benches placed outside the motel, he quickly got off the bike and ran towards her, enveloping her into a back hug.

Something in his heart exploded when she laughed wholeheartedly, commenting something about him being clingy in a playful way and turning around in his hold so that their chests were pressed flush together.

If Jimin would say it out loud Lorraine would probably kill him but she looked so cute like this. Not in a vulnerable, crybaby way. But when she laughed joyously and her teeth showed as she pulled him by his wrist to sit on one of the benches.

He couldn't stop laughing the whole time, enraptured by this feeling. He never knew he'd feel freedom by running around in front of a cheap motel near the hills with Lorraine Acker.

They went to a shop nearby to pick up a box of beers and some snacks before collapsing back on the bench they had claimed.

Then along while sharing their experiences in gay sex and bickering when Lorraine said she didn't believe he topped and rolling sideways with laughter on the plastic chair so that her legs dangled on one of the armrests, they finished their bags of unhealthy chips and beers.

Jimin told her that he could catch anything from his mouth, bragging about his concentration so they got up to test that with jellybeans, and Jimin expertly caught them. Then he giggled with his mouth full and Lorraine couldn't get enough.

He ran towards her and lifted her, spinning her around once before pinning her onto one of the street lamps, his strong hands supporting the back of her thigh so she could easily wrap her legs around his waist. He kissed her chastely, a little fleshy and sloppy because they were drunk.

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