Chapter 12

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All the BTS were gathered up in recording studio, ready to record the song. The atmosphere was tense, it had been tense for quite a few days now.

Jimin didn't know where exactly was the tension coming from, but he didn't dare cut in the silence.

The recording started, it was going well. Jimin covered up his part smoothly, they had quiet discussions about overlapping sounds and all. It wasn't much, really. The silence was bothering but apart from that, it was all fine.

Until it was Yoongi's part, and Taehyung cut into the speaker, merely shrugging and dropping a bomb.

"I don't think his voice fits."

It was out of pety, his voice sounded as if he was containing something much bitter. His eyes were sharp but he was still nervous, everyone could make it out by the way he locked his lips while looking at Yoongi.

There were several whats erupted from the studio.

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked, voice a raw warning. But Taehyung just provoked him even more.

"I don't think your voice fits. It's too gruff for this one. We need more of a sultry-"

"I got it." Yoongi cut him off, his nose was flaring. He wasn't shouting, his jaw was taut but it radiated how offended he was. And he had a clear reason to be offended.

Yoongi grunted something like "guess then I shouldn't be in the group anymore" before storming out of the studio. Leaving everyone's heart at fast paces.

Did he just mentioned leaving the group?

Jimin didn't know why he got so scared, but the way Yoongi said it, it made chills run down his spine.

Minutes passed in the shock of Yoongi just storming out of the studio before everyone's attention went towards Taehyung.

"Why would you even say that?" Jungkook questioned but Taehyung didn't answer, looking down and scratching his temple.

Jimin saw Taehyung's eyes slightly glisten, but he couldn't go and comfort his friend. Not when they were working as a group and Taehyung was genuinely at fault.

When Taehyung finally decided to look up, he saw everyone's, even the crew members expressions. All urging him to go after Yoongi silently. He knew he had to.

He didn't know why he had said it. Maybe he just needed attention from Yoongi. Any kind of attention.

When he reached at the backyard of the building Yoongi was standing in, he saw him, facing his back at him and probably smoking.

That's when the Taehyung finally let the tears slip down his eyes.

"Hyung," He blubbered out, observing Yoongi stiffen at that and drop his hand to his side, his fingers delicately clutching the cigarette.

Taehyung neared the paler man with small steps, his crying becoming more evident with each breath he took, by the time he was just behind Yoongi, his face was contorting in despair.

"I'm sorry, Hyung." He cried out, breaking into sobs as he wrapped his hands around Yoongi, hurrying his face into his shoulder. The elder knew he wasn't just referring to what he had just said in the studio, and that made his chest clench badly.

But he was beyond angry with Taehyung whatsoever, so he pushed the younger off of his back. Muttering, "get off me." before turning around to face Taehyung, who was desperately trying to wipe off his tears again and again, his face red and unwanted sobs escaped his throat.

"You said the most hurtful and insulting thing you could say to a music artist, Taehyung. I've been working with you since seven years now, and you think my voice doesn't fit."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The younger wailed, choking back his sobs now. "Y-you could've just... told me, Hyung. But you ignored me and-"

Yoongi cursed under his breath, even if it was more than evident since the fucking first time that Taehyung was pulling every shit for this and this only.

"Sit down." Yoongi gruffed, ushering the younger to sit back on the bench placed in the garden. It was night already and they could here the distant sound of crickets chirping in the garden.

Taehyung sat back, still trying to stop himself from sobbing and continuously wiping his tears.

"Stop crying." Yoongi said, this time in a much gentler tone, although the younger didn't do anything near that.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, placing his hands on the younger's knees and sitting down on the ground to face the crying lad.

"I just- I didn't mean to- to draw you away, Hyung. But you i-ignored and I felt sad and- it was my first time-"

Yoongi parted his lips at the last sentence, no that couldn't be Taehyung's first ever kiss. He was 24 years old for god's sake.

"You mean like...first time ever?"

"No! With a man. But that's beside the point!" He swatted Yoongi's hand, crying harder. "You just ignored me and you're you. You're not s stranger. So I felt hurt!"

Taehyung looked down at his lap, his shoulders shaking as he cried.

"It hurts, Hyung. It hurts that you don't feel the same."

Yoongi pursed his lips, he wouldn't deny the younger because that was indeed the truth. But he wouldn't agree because that would hurt Taehyung, so he just rose up to sit on the bench beside the younger and rubbed his back.

"Stop crying." He urged again.

"I can't."

Yoongi inhaled a rather shaky breath.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked after gathering much strength, because he didn't really know what else would make Taehyung feel better.

But Taehyung knew that Yoongi was just pitying him. If anything, he'd want a kiss from someone if they genuinely wanted to kiss him, not because he was royally fucked and they could see it, and they felt sorry for him.

"No, I don't." Taehyung answered.

"Then do you want a hug?"

"Not if you're pitying me. I want nothing out of your pity."

"I'm not pitying you." Yoongi's voice was serious, and blank. "I'm asking because I care for you. Because you're my family."

Taehyung broke into a watery chuckle when he noticed how savagely Yoongi had said those sentences.

"Yes, I'd appreciate a hug."

So Yoongi hugged him, well, Taehyung basically jumped over him but yeah.

"It's fine if you don't feel anything from me. Just- just be like before."

"I'm like before."


"Don't mention. Just never insult me like that again."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

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