Broken, Page 4

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I am working on future pages, it takes around two days to write a full page, this ia around a half page that goes with the other half page.

i will be updating in longer pages, don't worry.

It takes half a day of work to write a full page, and a full day of working plus another half in order to read over it and catch any errors, as well as edit it in order for it to read smoother, or to fix any grammatical errors, or maybe add a few details to help image things.

__#352 (Izuku) pov__

He woke up in the white bed again, he realised quickly that he couldn't move his limbs, also his tail was held away from him with many chains holding it to the ground.

This time, he didn't really care that his tail was being held in such a tight painful position, he noticed that he didn't really care about anything, he figured there was only one thing to come. He felt like he was back at the lab, where no matter what happened, the only outcome was pain. He tried remembering the small woman, Recovery Girl, but he still felt nothing. He heard the door behind the closed curtain open, and it was a minute before it closed. He heard many pairs of footsteps coming his way.

turning to look at the curtain entrance, he saw Aizawa and Recovery Girl, but there were a few others with them. There was a large buff man with bright gold hair with two cowlicks sticking up, a woman with a whip with dark blue hair and weird clothes, also a small creature standing on the ground. The small creature had a long white tail, paws, and cartoon eyes with a scar over one of them.

Turning to look at Recovery Girl, he saw her give him a sympathetic glance that was also filled with guilt. He tried to pull security from her, but she looked away from him. Realising that his eyepatch had been removed, he also looked away from her and closed the once covered eye.

He heard the bed squeak as a small weight was added, looking over with his empty, emotionless, cold eye, he saw the small white creature. "Hello, I am Principal Nezu! Nice to meet you. Can you tell us your name?" turning his head, he showed the tattoo on his neck, the same one he showed Recovery Girl, it still said '#352'.

He looked back over at the small white thing to see eyes glistening with sympathy and understanding. Finding no comfort in them, he only stared at the ceiling and waited for whatever came next.

"Why do you have that mark on your neck?" he heard a familiar loud booming voice, it came from the buff man with the blonde hair. He looked at him, then at Recovery Girl, hoping she would explain his lack of vocal communication. She was still looking away from him, deciding to try, he opened his mouth, then shut it, repeating the action until he saw it click on their faces that he didn't wish to or could not speak.

Aizawa was still holding the small journal, but it looked like it had been opened a lot, the pages were turned out and the side of it was creased like it had been folded completely in half.

He figured they came to speak to him about that. He once again looked at the small creature, waiting for the next question. "Is there a way for you to easily communicate with us?" this question lingered in his mind for a moment, he knew he had a mind quirk that could allow any access to anyone's mind. Not wanting to take any chances of accidentally hurting them, as well as possibly being seen as a threat, not to mention his state would dramatically decrease if he used the quirk.

Deciding heavily against it, he turned to look at the desk, Nezu followed his gaze. "Im sorry, but we cannot give you a pencil or paper, your hands would need to be uncuffed anyway." Noting that, it was not what he was doing, he then focused on a pencil and a piece of paper. The pencil picked up from a cup on the corner of the desk and started writing on a small piece of paper. Hearing the small scratches, Nezu turned back to see the moving pencil. "My, what are you writing?" he said, interested. As he jumped off the desk and walked over. The others stood there frozen, staring at the moving pencil.




OH WELL THATS A GOOD THING, as long as its me i dont really care, but i'd be really sad if i had to leave my cats.. or this unfinished book.

Broken. (BNHA AU, EXPIRIMENT DEKU, NOMU DEKU)Where stories live. Discover now