Broken, Page 11

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__Izuku POV__

As the two older men approached the door, he could see apprehension deep in their eyes, even when they tried to hide it to act nice in order to try and borrow a phone.

Not liking this place one bit, he decided to try and access his animal blood, to be able and help them out if they get into a pinch. Focusing, he pictured a black tabby cat. He was fully aware of the time it took for the men to reach the clearing which housed the building. His dragon tail started shrinking, sprouting black striped fur, his horns went back into his head along with the spines as small black, fluffy ears came out of his head. His size decreased until the leaves below his feet were the size of his feline head.

He was on all four black paws. Making sure he stayed focused on his quirk, he bounded forward and kept closer track of the two males, completely appalled that it worked. As he reached the two, he noticed they were slowing down as they reached the chipping paint of a old brown door.

He reached the two men, letting out a soft meow and rubbing against the house, trying to look as casual as he could.

The first thing he noticed was Aizawa's immediate face change. "Hello there. Do you live here?" he crouched down as Toshinori continued to knock on the door. Going up to his outstretched hand, he rubbed the side of his face on it. Surprisingly, he enjoyed the touch of the hand on his silky black fur. He felt the man reach an arm under his chest, gently lifting him off the ground.

"What's your name buddy?" he continued to pet the black cat, stopping abruptly as the door to the old building swung open, revealing an old man who reeked of alcohol. Quickly going back to the objective at hand, he scanned the man's heart rate, breathing, and his god awful smell.

He noticed right off the bat that the man's heart rate was through the roof, but his breathing was normal. He smelled of blood and lust. Getting anxious, he scanned the now open door, hearing another set of breathing. As he scanned the house, he noticed a strong smell of blood, but apparently he was the only one who could smell it, as the two older males spoke of borrowing a phone.

The small black cat was getting ready to jump out of Aizawa's hand and check out the house, until he saw a small phone get handed to Toshinori. He heard a small voice come from the open door, it was laced with pain, barely a small whisper, but his stronger than normal cat ears heard it.

Jumping out of the warm, comfortable arms, he raced into the house, meowing loudly. Narrowly escaping a kick from the old man guarding the door. He heard a shout from behind him, then an angered Aizawa. He knew the pro hero would not take kindly to seeing a cat almost get kicked.

He kept running, following the ever increasing smell of blood, he tripped over his own feet a few times before getting the hang of running on all fours. His nose stung, and he strained his ears for anymore please from whoever had called out.

Izuku reached a long set of stairs, he didn't particularly want to see what was down there, but the smell of blood told him something wasn't right. Hesitantly descending the stairs, he kept his senses strained for any sign of a person in pain.

He reached the bottom of the long stars into a dimly lit room, he looked around.

The room was covered in blood, chains hung from the ceiling, racks of weapons and tools of pain littered the walls. Quickly getting horrid flashbacks, he yelped and curled into a tiny ball.

"Hey... are you okay little dude?" he heard a small whisper come from somewhere in the room. Lifting his head, he looked around one more time, in the corner was a boy with yellow, dirty hair. His arms were above his head, chained to the wall. The boy was about his age, his eyes were a golden yellow and he wore a torn up white shirt and ripped up black shorts.

Blood ran from several cuts along his chest, stomach, arm, and legs, one even on his neck.

Quickly getting up from where he was curled on the floor, he ran towards the teen. Going back to his human-dragon form, without the extra scales. (his normal form before he had the wings, yes he's still wearing his pants/shorts.). He would have preferred his bandages still be there, but sadly they were not, luckily the boy would not be able to see the scars  in this dim lighting.

The male's eyes widened as he saw the boy run towards him. "Who are you? How did you get down here? What are you doing down here?" he kept asking questions until the black haired boy reached his side.

Kneeling down, Izuku gave the boy a quick thumbs up to show he was not a threat. After the boy sighed, he reached up and tore off one of the handcuffs. The boy gasped as his hand fell to his side with a soft 'thump'. Reaching over he broke the other cuff off. As both blood depleted arms fell to his side, the boy tried to stand up, key word 'tried'. "Dude, you have to get out before the ol' man comes back down to check on me."

Giving a soft sigh, he picked up the teen bridal style, quickly running up the stairs and back the way he came. He didn't dare use his telekinesis on the boy, fearing his state would crush the protesting boy. "Put me down! He'll catch you!" he whispered yelled at the boy who carried him.

He heard yelling coming from the front door as he neared it. "You don't just kick a cat! Even if it runs into your house!" he felt the tension in the small boy grow as he reached the yelling men.

"It's not my cat! I don't care !" he heard the door slam shut and loud footsteps coming their way.. Not stopping or slowing down, he charged straight for the entrance. The man saw them and let out a loud yell, trying to get in the way and stop Izuku and the boy's escape.

Still not slowing or changing course, he ignored the pleas and the yells from both males and continued running straight for the door.

it hit him like a truck...

He can't trust his quirks in his exhausted condition.




Broken. (BNHA AU, EXPIRIMENT DEKU, NOMU DEKU)Where stories live. Discover now