Broken, Page 13

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__Izuku pov__

"Don't blame me if your ears start bleeding." He felt relieved when his voice didn't crack like he would have expected after not using it for so long. He felt Denki's heart start beating faster. "DUDE!! YOU SPOKE!!" Izuku let out a light chuckle, for some reason he felt he was safe with Denki. Izuku noticed he let himself relax his guard whenever he was with him. "Yeah, I did."

He felt the body he was carrying stiffen after a few moments. He wondered what was going through Denki's head. "How old are you?" "don't know." he could feel the surprise and curiosity rolling off Denki in waves. "How do you not know your age?"

Izuku made sure to stay as relaxed as possible, he didn't want to explain his history to Denki right now. "Not sure, didn't have a calendar for a while!" he let the words roll with a bit of humor off his tongue. "Okay.. anyway, do you prefer me call you Izuku or Midoriya?" "I don't mind either names, you can call me Izuku if you want."

"Okay... oh! How did you meet Aizawa and Toshinori?" he felt himself start to stiffen at the questions. "I stayed with them for a while after my guardians left for vacation." he was trying his best not to lie, but also to answer without making him suspicious. "Hmmm.. oh! How do you have two quirks?" "pardon?" Izuku had no clue what he meant, or how to answer. "Your dragon features! And also the sound wave control...thingie.." he felt himself stiffed at the question but forced himself to relax. "Next question." Izuku could smell Denki's disappointment.

"Hmmm, i don't know if this is too personal, shoot down the question if you like. But... where did all those scars come from?.." He almost dropped Denki right then and there. The question caught him so off guard his wing buckled and they almost took a nosedive into the crowded streets far below them. Denki's scream was lud, he swore he would go deaf. Regaining his composure, he steadied his wings and tried to shrug off the question. "Next question, sorry about that." he felt his voice waver.

"Ok.." he felt one of Denki's arms move off of his own, that were clutching on for dear life a few seconds ago. "What is that?" they had reached masutatsu and were about a mile off of UA. "that is our destination, UA..." he felt his voice start ringing. He knew Denki heard it, he flinched and his hands flew to his ears. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself from the onslaught of questions, but once he started his descent to UA he knew he wouldn't be talking for a while.

Once he was a few feet from the roof of UA, he loosened his grip on Denki, sliding his arms to where he could grab beneath his shoulders. Lowering Denki to the ground, he landed a few feet behind him, folding his wing into his back. Falling to his knees, once again lightheaded from the change of gravity to his legs. "DUDE!! You okay?" Deki was at his side in an instant, Aizawa and Toshinor soon following. Giving them a small thumbs up, he stumbled to his feet. Denki reached down to help, only to be pulled away by the dark blue haired lady with a weird body suit and a whip attached to her side, which honestly scared the living shit out of Izuku.

Aizawa reached down and grabbed Izuku's shoulder, putting his arms together in front of him and putting quirk canceling cuffs on. He was then pushed roughly forward by a man with slicked back blonde hair, a loud voice, and weird radio around his neck."Izuku?.." Denki was appalled at the way he was being treated. Izuku Looked away from Denki as he was flanked by two more pro heroes.

__third person__

They brought him and Denki to Recovery Girl's office. As soon as the old woman saw Izuku she ran to him and wrapped her small arms around him. "My boy... what happened?" he knelt down and did his best to hug her back with his restrained hands. "Where is this and why is Izuku restrained?" Denki sounded worried for Izuku, but also curious about where he was. He received no answer for his second question, "you are at UA!!" Nezu came around the corner, a cup of tea in his hand and the other behind his back.

"What are you, sir?" Nezu turned to the blonde Surprise clear in his eyes, but almost as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. "You can call me Nezu, and you are?" "oh! I'm Kaminari Denki! Can i ask why Izuku is restrained?" Nezu turned as Izuku was chained to the bed. "You know Izuku?"

"Yes, he got me out of... a tough situation." Nezu walked over to the blank faced dragon boy. "So he was the one who got you out? I was only told of the situation." he hopped onto the bed beside the standing Izuku. "Izuku, sit. Denki, come sit as well, we need to treat those wounds."

Izuku sat with his legs crossed at the head of the bed, his arms still held by the metal of the bed and his tail wrapped protectively around him.

Denki quickly went over and sat on the bed, as close as he could get before Nezu got between the two boys. Izuku had his emotionless face on for the first time since he escaped the new lab room, since then he had shown minimal expressions, and even laughed a bit, even a small smile here and there. But it was gone now.. Denki was trying to catch Izuku's eyes, but they stared at the wall, oblivious to anything and everything around him. "Do you know what's wrong with Izuku?"

Nezu looked at the boy, again with a surprise, he had only ever seen his emotionless side. Turning to the others, he motioned for everyone except Aizawa, RG, and Toshinori to leave. After everyone had left, Nezu started explaining a bit of where they found Izuku. "Izuku, first show them your name." at the command, he tilted his head, showing off the tattoo that still said '#352' "where did that come from?" Denki looked like he was gonna puke from the answer.

"Izuku was found in one of our enemies laboratories. As far as we know, Izuku was never meant to live, he was just a testing rat ever since he lived past the first injections." Nezu found his tea very interesting. "what do you mean testing, and.. injections?...?" Denki was trying to inch closer to Izuku. Nezu jumped from the bed, allowing Denki to sit in front of Izuku, who was staring at the wall, still oblivious to what was happening around him.

"Aizawa, explain further." Aizawa looked like he was going to throw a punch at someone then and there, but he stepped forward. "Izuku was supposed to die, but when he lived, they used him as a lab rat. The injection that was supposed to kill him had killed their previous test subject, they called it 'nomu'. When he didn't die, they just forced more and more shit on him, they didn't care if he lived or died." Denki was staring at Izuku, trying to catch his eyes, hoping what was being said was just a story to scare him. Aizawa cleared his throat then continued. "The reason Izuku is restrained is because he lost control, I do not believe it was his fault to be honest. After he lost control, it looked like he was fighting himself. Someone broke in, tranked him, and took him."

Denki had a few tears running down his face, he had given up on trying to catch Izuku's eye. "We were on our way back from retrieving him when we had to borrow a phone, as ours were destroyed in a fight. We found your place, borrowed the phone, then Izuku came out with you and that unconscious man who was brought to the hospital under police custody."

After the explanation, the room went silent. You could hear the breathing of every person in the room, dreading the moment the silence would be broken.


 WORD COUNT!!! 1395 WORDS!!!


Broken. (BNHA AU, EXPIRIMENT DEKU, NOMU DEKU)Where stories live. Discover now