Broken. Page 20

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HI GUYS!!! im'ma post two more crappy poems at the end of this chapter!!!

__few months later, I'm sorry for the time skips__

__Izuku's pov__

That Saturday afternoon, Aizawa had come to get the boys for lunch. Izuku was very surprised that he was being allowed to go to the lunchroom, he usually was only allowed through the main halls that he would need to know. Usually to the principal's office, his next year's classroom, and the teacher's lounge room. They had moved into their new dorm room the day before.


Izuku was carrying two boxes in his hand, and balancing two more on his tail, walking beside Aizawa as Denki raced up and down the dorm hallways, often dropping his box, as he had Izuku carry most of his stuff. He didn't mind carrying his friends' stuff.

Once they got to a small door, anybody would have mistaken it for a closet door, if it wasn't for the many cameras on the floor, mostly pointed in similar directions, the door. Aizawa fished a card out of his pocket and handed it to Denki, "tap it on the door and it will open." with that, he left.

Almost childishly, Denki charged at the door, once again dropping his box. Unphased, he picked the box back up and tapped the card on the small door, revealing a small hallway that opened into a room with a small couch, coffee table, three doors, and a small radio, bookshelf, and chester draws.

Walking up to one of the doors, Denki swung it open, revealing a bathroom. Next door to be ripped open was a closet looking door, inside of the double sliding doors, was a very small room with two baskets, and two laundry machines. The last door was opened by Izuku, inside was almost an exact replica of their old room.


Izuku's bed was no longer wooden, it was a black, shiny metal. It had places to put chains, not to mention the visible chains wound up in coils under the bed, or the cuffs placed on the bed's headboard.

A sharp pang made its way to Izuku's chest as he walked past the bed, making his way to Denki's to place his stuff. Putting the two large boxes from his arms onto the bed, he turned towards one of the closets, putting his stuff in it. Staying well away from his torturous looking bed, he went to the door, going to find Denki and show him where they would be sleeping.

Once he exited the room, he saw his electric friend dashing around the dorm, his box discarded on the couch. Whipping the sadness from his face, he put on an emotionless face and knocked on the doorframe, gaining the attention of Denki. Pointing to the closed door behind him, he failed to notice his tail between his legs.

A suspicious Denki hesitantly made his way towards his friend. "Izu? Is everything ok?" giving him a nod, and a smile, too bright to belong to the cold boy, Denki was now much more suspicious.

Making his way to the bedroom door, he opened it. It took a minute for his face to find the right emotion, finally setting upon pure rage. Denki stomped into the room, right up to Izuku's bed as said boy stood in the doorway, tail starting to wrap closely around his body, protectively. Once Denki was right up to the bed, he kicked it, quickly letting out a small cry of pain. Despite the cry  his face did not shift from rage.

After a minute of the yellow headed boy just staring at the bed, he let out a sigh, sinking to the floor and pulling his knees to his chest. Walking up to his friend, he sat down next to him, leaning against his shoulder as he cast anxiety filled glances at the bed.

"It scares me, Denki. It hurts to remember." He didn't want to find his notebook at the moment, he just wanted to try his best to hold the pain, fear, and anxiety filled tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. "Im sorry Izu... I thought they had grown to trust you by now..."

Broken. (BNHA AU, EXPIRIMENT DEKU, NOMU DEKU)Where stories live. Discover now