Broken, Page 14

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__small 3rd person veiw__

"I don't mean to interrupt." Recovering girl had a hint of annoyance in her tone, as well as very defined impatience. "But I still have a patient to treat. So if you don't mind, could you kindly leave?" she snapped at the three people in the room of whom she meant. Toshinori, knowing better than to argue with her, said. "I agree, maybe we should go and let her treat young Kaminari." He turned and started walking back to the door, Aizawa soon followed him with an awkward white creature, still staring at his tea.

__Denki pov (oooh~ something new!!)__

As soon as the door shut behind them, the small woman ran towards Izuku, undoing the restraints. "Izuku my boy.. Look at me.." as Izuku was turning to look at the small woman, something flashed behind his eyes, but it was soon gone. She gave out a low sigh as his head turned back to staring at the wall. "Kaminari, where's your worst wound? also, call me Recovery Girl."

After the woman bandaged, and healed the wounds that she could, she turned and walked back to the cubert in the corner, opening it and getting out a large, hardcover book, with an empty pencil strap. Stopping by her desk on the way back to the bed, she grabbed a pencil. She then proceeded to walk over to the bedside. "Kaminari, please go to the other bed, you will be staying here overnight." following her orders, he hopped off the bed and sat on the other, facing the other bed by the window. She sat the hardcover book and pencil in his lap, she then closed the curtain off to the rest of the room. "Please don't disturb him for now, if I get a student you may sit in one of the benches by the door, or you may move the bench in front of the TV. i don't mind."

Denki looked at her, confused. "Student?" she turned to him with a look, like he just did something stupid and didnt even know it, Well he did. "This is UA high, a place where we train new heroes. I'm the school nurse, the heroes live in the teacher dorms for better access to the classes, and also for better communication." she got into her tall rolling chair and started messing with some vials. "They are planning on making dorms for the new students that will be coming in next year. The plan is for you two to eventually stay there."

Kaminari's mouth practically fell to the floor.

Suddenly a knock on the door made his mouth close, hopping off the bed, he made his way to the benches by the door. A blonde haired boy with cartoon eyes was carrying a smaller boy with dark blue almost black hair with pointy ears. "Hello Ms.Recovery Girl! Tamaki broke his leg during a sparring match, I was told to bring him here to get it fixed up!" Recovery girl indicated to bring him to the bed, "Mirio, I thought you said you would keep him from having to visit so often!" her tone was a lighthearted scolding, which confused the heck out of Denki.

As he sat the pointy eared boy down, he noticed his face was flushed bright red, and he wouldn't look at the kid he now knew was mirio. Giving out a low laugh when he saw Mirio leave to go back to class, he looked back to see Recovery girl healing his leg. Tamaki's eyes started drooping and Recover Girl handed him a plate of food which he gratefully took. The small woman went back to her desk, giving Kaminari just the opportunity he needed.

Sneaking over to Tamaki, he sat down beside him. "Who are you? I haven't seen you around the school." putting his finger to his mouth, he made the gesture to be quiet. Giving a hesitant nod, tamaki took another bite of what looked like squid. "So who was that blonde kid, the one who carried you in here?" Tamaki's face instantly turned beat red, sputtering on the bite he just took.

"KAMINARI!! GET AWAY FROM THE PATIENT!! LET HIM EAT IN PEACE!!" Recovery girl ran him off from the bed. Looking back, he saw Tamaki's face was redder than a tomato. "Fine... i won't bother him. Can i check on Izuku?" quickly, his demeanor changed from happy and playful to worry filled and grim.

Recovery Girl stiffened. Holding up a finger, she walked back and peeked behind the curtain. Tamaki gave her a curious glance, then went back to eating. "Sure, just don't be too loud, and don't touch the notebook or pencil." she went back to her desk and continued to work with the potions.

__Izuku pov__

He was sitting in the metal chair, a blade going down his shoulder, blood running from the fresh cut. He sat there, staring at the wall, none of it felt real, he felt the pain, the warm blood running down his arm, but it seemed like... it just wasn't there...

"Get up, time for the fight." the chains were released from his arms and legs. He stood up, stumbling and almost falling to his knees, he received no help from the blue haired asshole. Getting up, he followed, making a blood trail as he went. The hallways were long, endless, dark, smelly, slimy, and soundless. Soon they came to a large door, it had a lock panel, as well as a thick metal rod keeping it closed.

Opening the door, he shoved the smaller boy in, on the way through the blue haired dick stepped on his tail, making the boy scream. "Oh c'mon.. If you can't handle this, how can you handle a nomu?!" he turned to a large glass tank, typing in a code. The disgusting liquid drained from the vile, revealing a navy blue skinned nomu. Opening the door, the nomu stepped out, waiting for a command. "Fight until one of you is dead." After giving the command, he walked out the room, hearing it lock behind him.

After he knew that man was gone, he ran at the nomu, the nomu running at him. Meeting in the middle of the room.

The boy hugged the nomu, it quickly returned the gesture. "He most likely won't be back till morning. What are we going to do till then?" The Nomu released the boy and Izuku backed away to be able to see one of his only friends in this hell hole. Giving out a soft grunt, the nomu reached down and picked up the small boy, putting him on its shoulder. "I can't escape... they put this goddamn injection in me to where if i disobey a direct order i'll drop all control."

After hearing this the nomu gave out a soft huff, setting the boy down on the ground and curling up beside him. "I can, on the other hand, sleep.." giving a wide yawn, he fell asleep leaning on the warm nomu.

A hand waved in front of his face, Looking over, Kaminari was beside him. Snapping out of his trance, he looked over. "Hey dude. How you doing?" Kaminari sat down on the bed in front of him. Looking down, he noticed his drawing book was in his lap, as well as a pencil. A drawing of the nomu in the room filled with green tanks, drawn in great detail. Quickly, he closed it, both terrified of his friend seeing the drawing, and second, of his reaction.

"So what's with the notebook? I was told not to touch it." giving him a silent, embarrassed chuckle, he reached down and re-opened the drawing book. He flipped through the pages, looking for one that didn't have to do with a dark room and blood, or a nomu or two, maybe not one with a metal table either. He came to one he had drawn when he first came, it was of the horizon line outside the window. Turning the book, she showed it to Denki. "Dang dude! You can draw!!" he snatched the book out of Izuku's hands, earning both a flinch and a soft laugh. "KAMINARI!!! Keep it do-" Recover girl stopped mid sentence as she peeked through the curtain. She saw Kaminari holding the notebook, but what she stopped at was the small chuckle she heard from Izuku.

Izuku looked at the small woman as she stared at him. "Izuki, did you... just laugh?" she had a small smile on her face, it grew wider when he nodded. "Did who laugh Ms.Recovery girl?" The third voice startled Izuku, jumping and ending up on the floor, foot and tail still on the bed. Denki was trying, and eventually failed, to hold in his laugh, while Recover Girl ran around the bed and offered him her hand. "What was that?" the third voice sounded worried.

Izuku gratefully took her hand as she helped him to his feet. "Who's that?" Izuku looked up to see a pointy eared boy with dark blue hair and purple eyes looking through the curtain. Izuku tilted his head at the new person. "Tamaki dear, this is Izuku. please go back to your seat and eat so you can get back to class."

She turned back to Izuku and Denki, a small, guilt filled smile tainted her face. "I have some despairing news."





Broken. (BNHA AU, EXPIRIMENT DEKU, NOMU DEKU)Where stories live. Discover now