Part 11

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Avas pov
We all decided to get out of our dresses into sweats and a shirt. Tony kept on trying to call me but I just didn't answer

"I just don't know what to do" I say confused. Then we hear the door open. We go to see and see the boys are home. Then Anthony came to kouvrs rooms

"Thanks babe" avani said kissing him. Then Anthony leaves

Then we heard another knock on kouvrs door.

"Can I get into my room please" Alex said

"No you not sleep here tonight we using it" kouvr said. Then shut the door. And then another knock and Addison goes to open it. It was Tony and then she tries to close the door on him.

"Wait can I just talk to Ava please" Tony said

"No she's not home" Addison said then closed the door .

"I don't know what I'm going to do anymore guys should I stay with him or just dump him completely" I say whining

"I mean do you still love him" Dixie said.

"Yes I do still love him but the fact he cheated on me" I say

"Well maybe just try to talk to him I mean maybe he was drunk" charli said shrugging her shoulders

"Yea I think you should try to talk to him" avani said

" then we can see if it was intentional or a mistake" Addison says

"When did I end up with friends like you guys" I say smiling

"When you moved here with Tony and Ondreaz" Dixie said

"And look your love for Tony and Dre brought you here to be with us" kouvr says

"Wait but when I talk to Tony can one of you guys stay outside the door just in case" I say

"I'll go" kouvr says

Tony's pov
I'm just sitting on my bed crying thinking about what I did to Ava and how stupid I was for thinking Layla was her and I was just on my phone looking at our pictures which only made me cry more. Then I hear a knock on the door. So I wipe of my tears and open it.

"Hello" I say

"Tony..." Ava was just standing there

"Omg Ava!" I say wiping off my tears

"Were you crying?" Ava said in a worried tone

"No..maybe..yes" I say

"Well can I come in" she asks.

"Sure" I say opening the door

"I'm so sorry for what I did Ava I didn't mean to I was drunk and I didn't know anything please forgive me mamas" I tell her trying to hold back tears

"Look Tony we were only together for a week and you cheated on me with a girl you just met." She says trying to hold back her tears.

"Look I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake and I promise I will never do it again I was just so foolish and just please I love you..." I say to her

"I love you to..." Ava said to me

"So do you forgive me ?" I ask her

"Not really but I do love you Tony I always have" she says starting to cry

"I've always loved you too and I promise I will never cheat on you again please" I say hugging her

"So we're back bubba" she says smiling at me

"We're back mamas" I say kissing her.

"And I promise I will never do that to you" I say holding up my pinkie just like when we were kids

"Promise" she says using her pinkie also

"Let's just take it slow ok bubba" she asks

"Ok as long as I can call you mine I'm good" I say Then we both laugh.

"I'll be right back bubba ok I just gotta do sumthin" she says

"Ok I'll be right here" I say letting her go.

When she leaves I pull out my phone and open notes. Ok so I have to give this girl the best day ever to make it up to her. So first we're gonna wake up make waffles then we're gonna go to the beach and then at night we will come back here and have some fun by doing what ever she wants and then the next day we could go back to Vegas on a little road trip. And then once I heard the door open I hide my phone under the bed.

"I'm back" she says. While getting onto my bed.

"I'm tired bubba" she says laying on my chest.

"Go to sleep ok tomorrow we have a fun day planned" I say while stroking her hair

"Ok night bubba" she says getting comfortable

"Night babygirl". Then the last thing I remember is us falling asleep. And I was happy we finally got back together and I promised myself not to ever do that to her ever again because I didn't want to lose her.

Avas pov
~the next day~
I woke up feeling terrible and I ran to the toilet and then I got sick. Then Tony heard me and ran up to me. And held my hair back.

"What's wrong mamas" he says concerned

"I don't know" I say as I clean my mouth.

Then kouvr came into our room.

"What's wrong I heard someone say I don't know" kouvr said

"Ava woke up and then got sick" Tony said

"Oh maybe she just got a bug" kouvr said sitting on Avas bed.

"I hope so" I said washing my face.

"I guess our day will have to be put on hold" Tony said

"No I'm fine" I say

"No baby I rather be here until you feel better then make you feel even more sick" he says stroking my back. Then my phone starts beeping

"That my birth control alarm" is say Turing off my alarm.

Then I go to my desk we're my pills usually are

"Wait Tony did I take my pill yesterday?" I ask him

"I don't know we just woke up and went downstairs" Tony said

"Because the pill for yesterday is still here...." I say coming to a realization

"Do you think I'm pregnant?" I ask Tony

"I don't know mamas" he says worried

"Because I'm sick and starting to get bloated" I say looking at my stomach

"That could be a possibility" Tony said

"Wait Ava come" kouvr said waking to her room. I follow her to her room and see her looking through her drawer.

"Morning Alex" I say

"Morning Ava" Alex said to me

"Here it is" kouvr said handing me a pregnancy test

"You always hav to be prepared when having a boyfriend" kouvr said. So I walk back to me and Tony's bathroom and take it. Then when I'm done I put it on the counter flipped over so I'd not see.

"Tony.." I say as he walks over to me shirtless

"What" he says

"What if it says I'm pregnant" I say nervously

"Then we keep it" he says

"But we just got back together" I say

"Look we will always be together ok so we just have to wait for the answers." Tony said to me. Those have been the longest 3 minutes of my life just waiting for the results. Then it beeps.

"You ready Tony" I say

"Yea I'm ready" he says

So then I turn it over........

Tony and ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now