Part 26~ graduation

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Avas pov
~1 month later~
We were getting ready for graduation since I went to my appointment and they said I was cleared to go to graduation.

"Damn you look good mamas" Tony said to me

"Thank you bubba you look good yourself" I said smiling.

Also this is what I was wearing

"Can you help me put on my gown?" I asked

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"Can you help me put on my gown?" I asked

"Sure" he said putting the purple gown on top on my dress

"Prefect" I said

"Now can you help me?" He asks me

"Sure" I said then I helped him get into his purple gown.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yup just need to grab my phone" I said

"Ok" he said grabbing his hat and mine. Then we walk into the living room to see Addison, and Ondreaz waiting in there gowns

"You guys look amazing!" I said

"Thanks" they both said

"You guys ready for graduation?" Thomas asked us

"Yup" all 4 of us said.

"Then let's go" Charli said so we all got in cars and drove to the school. And sadly Olivia or my dad couldn't be there because Olivia is in New York and my dad is in the military so he's in Japan right now. So we met up with my mom and Tony's mom at the school.

"Congrats Ava" my mom said hugging me

"I didn't graduate yet mom" I said smiling

"Is sorry your sister or dad can't be here" Tony said

"It's ok" I said

"Congrats tony and Dre" Tony's mom said

"Thanks mom" they both said

"Hey you must what Addison hi I'm Ondreaz mom" she said hugging Addison

"Hey Mrs Lopez" addison said

"Ok guys I think you should go take your seats we will be on the crowd" Thomas said

"Ok" we all said and took our seats and we listened to the speech and we waited for our names to be called then we heard the first few names

"Addison Easterling" we heard them say so Addison went up and got her diploma to tons of people cheering and I could see everyone clapping then Addison went to sit by me

"Congrats Addison" I said hugging her

"Thanks" she said hugging me back and we waited a little bit more for the rest of the names be called then we heard

Tony and ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now