Part 65

487 7 1

Avas pov
Once we got there so tony parked and I took Lucas out of his car seat and I got my bag and knocked on the door

"Hey guys"Mia said opening the door so we went inside

"Oh how much I missed your adorable face" Mia said picking up Lucas

"Can we have a baby please"Mia said to Thomas

"No" Thomas said

"But look at his adorable face doesn't he you want to have one" Mia said showing Thomas

"Your 21 I'm 22 I don't think where ready babe" Thomas said

"Okay" Mia said and walked away cuddling Lucas

"Ok so charli should be here with Dixie at 8 it is 10 so we have a lot of time so that's good enough to buy stuff and set up" Thomas said then we heard a mother door knock

"You Gus expecting anyone?" I asked

"No guest come later" Thomas said so he went to the door

"charli dixie?" I heard Thomas say

"What" I said going to the door and just saw Dixie walking up the stairs

" I couldn't get her to stay away from here she hates not being in the know" charli said

"Then how are we doing this party?" I said

" well how can we get her out so she doesn't ruin her surprise" Thomas said

"Wait Lucas is upstairs right?" Charli said and I nodded

"Ok just a sec" she said and scurried over

"Hey where the hell are you going?" I said confused

"Wait right there" she said

"What is she" Thomas said so we waited

"Ok I'm out" Dixie said

"Wait where" I said confused bc she was holding lucas

"There going out to hang out for the day and then tomorrow I'll go and then Lucas will tell us who he had more fun with and am that will say who's the better aunt" charli said

"And we all know it's me right" Dixie asked him

"Yes" Lucas said and then charli was I'm shock

"Ha later we will be back by 5 maybe later" Dixie said

"Bye" we all said as she left

"So you used my child to distract your sister and have a competition" I said

"Uh Yea" charli said

"Is he gonna be safe?" I asked

"He's been with Dixie before relax" charli said

"Ok let's plan this out know" Thomas said so we all
Went to the living room

"Ok so what does Dixie know already?" I said

"Only that where having dinner at boas"  tony said

"Ok so we can decorate the house without her knowing bc she has Lucas so that also takes care with who was gonna look after him" Dre said

"Ok so addi avani chari you guys can go pick up the decorations Mia kouvr and Ava go pick up the food and cake and we will go pick up other stuff" Thomas said so we all agreed so me kouvr and Mia went into kouvrs car

"Ok let's go" Thomas said so we drive tot he bakery where all the dessert and stuff where being made

"Ok let's Go in" Mia said so we went inside and there were a lot of cakes

"Good afternoon we have an order to pick up" I said

"Ok name please?" The baker asked

"Um Dixie" I said

"Dixie Dixie found her do you ordered cupcakes mini cakes chocolate strawberries 2 cakes one one layer another 2 layers and that's all?" He asked and we nodded

"Ok I'll be right back" he said so he went to the back and bring out huge boxes

"Ok so there's 5 boxes woudk you girls like any help?" He asked

"Um yes thank you" we said so we went to the car and put them each safely in the car and then we went back inside

"Ok girls anything else?" He said then Mia saw something she liked

"Oh yea and that" Mia said pointing to a mini chocolate cake with sprinkles

"Ok" he said

"I mean no one would know if we got sum thing for ourselves wouldn't they" Mia said so we all looked at each other and we each ordered something for ourselves yk bc we could

"Since the order was already paid for you only have to pay for the separate things you got" he said so we paid and went into the car and immediately started eating them

"I didn't have breakfast" I said

"We didn't either" Mia said so we enjoyed o ur stuff and went back to the house and everyone was there

"How long were we there for?" I asked

"2 hours" Mia said

"Woah that's fast it's like 12 now" I said so we got everything out of the car one bye one up the steps

"Here we'll help"Tony and Ondrea said as there coming downstairs

"Thanks" we said so everything was now upstairs

"Ok guys we need to put the food in the fridge since it won't melt then we need to start setting up the balloons and tables" Nikita said since she usually plans these parties so we made room in the fridge and out everything there then Nikita hired more people to help so we started putting balloons up streamers started setting up tables and when everything was done it was 6

"Ok so thanks for helping and here's the check" Thomas said giving the workers their check and then they left

"Ok so we have dinner in 2 hours so I think we call her back so she had time to get ready" Thomas said

"Ok I'll call her" I said so I grabbed my phone and called Dixie

"Hey Ava what's up?" Dixie said

"Oh hi so where are you guyssss?" I asked

"I'm the toy store" she said


"HA I WIN" Dixie said

"Chile anyways what time you guys suppose to be here?" I asked

"I'm he's kind of tired so I'll probably bring him home in a few minutes so I can get ready for dinner" she said

"Ok we will all meet you at your apartment" I said

"Yea Griffin also said he hours be at dinner once we get their he had meetings today and some exams (Griffin is still studying to be a nurse)

"Ok um just drop off Lucas at my house since where about to get ready" I said

"Ok bye" she said and hung up

"Ok you heard her let's go now I also need to find a place to take Lucas tomorrow ohhh maybe I'll take him to the park no that" charli said and started thinking about where to bring Lucas

"Ok anyways let's get ready and meet at dixies at 8" thomas said so we all went into our cars and drive home

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