Part 41-plane!

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Avas pov
When we get to the airport it was 12:30 and we all parked our cars next to each other and got all of our suitcases

"Ill get the suitcases you get Lucas" Tony said

"Ok" I said so I got Lucas out and put him in his stroller and gave him his lovey

"Ok let's go inside" Ondrea said so we all walked inside and everyone was there

"Hiiii" we all said

"Ok so is everyone here?" Thomas said and we all nodded

"Ok because I have a surprise for you before we leave" he said pointing at Avani

"Me?" She said confused then Anthony came up behind her and picked her up 30

"Anthony!" She said turning around

"You really thought I would miss Hawaii" he said

"Ok now that where all really here let's check in go through TSA and all that before it's 2" Thomas said

"Ok" we all agreed so we waited in line and singed in and gave them our big luggage then waited another 30 minutes going to security and all that then we had to wait another 30 minutes to board

"Plane from Las angels to Hawaii you are now boarding" we heard over the loud speaker

"That's us!" We said so we went they scanned all out tickets and we got on

"This is actually so spacious" I said sitting down at our seat

"It really is" Tony said

"Wow I never knew a plane could be this spacious" Nick said sitting next to us then they went through the rules and stuff. So then when we where taking off we where all good

"How long is this flight?" Nick asked

"5 hours" me and Tony said

"Wow" he said so then I gave Lucas his lovey that we bought him And he fell right asleep on my chest for who knows how long because I also fell sleep

Tony's pov
Me and Nick where making tiktoks and talking and then I saw Ava sleeping with Lucas

"I'll take him" I said whispering and took Lucas from her jut so she can sleep better

"Ok Lucas your staying with me for a bit" I told him and put him on my chest and he fell right asleep again still not letting go of his lovey

"He must really like that" Nick said

"He didn't let go of it at all yesterday" I said

"Wow he must actually love it" Nick said So we kept on talking watched tik toks and we where chilling then I felt Lucas starting to wake up after about 2 hours

"And look who's starting to wake up" I said looking at him and he just yawned and he just sat down on my lap and I got him the bottle from Avas bag and gave him it and he drank if right away

"And you were hungry also" I said and put the bottle back in the bag where it was and I was playing with him for a bit until Ava woke up

Avas pov
I woke up to Lucas not on my lap so I turned around and saw that Tony had him

"What time is it?" I said

"Um 4:30" Tony said and I could tell he was tired

"Here I'll take Lucas you get some rest" I said taking Lucas

"No you don't have to" he said

"Yes because you woke up early now sleep" I said

"Ok" he said and he leaned up against me and fell asleep

"He really just fell asleep that fast?" Nick said confused

"Mhmm" I nodded

"Can I take Lucas for a bit?" Nick asked

"Um sure" I said passing him Lucas and he started playing with him and I was on my phone for a bit and then I felt Tony wake up at about 6:30

"How long did I sleep?" Tony said

"Um 2 hours" I said giggling

"What?" He said confused

"Your hair got all frizzy and messy" I said

"Really" he said fixing it

"Let me help" I said and I started to play with his hair

"Thanks" he said smiling and we where just hanging out until............

Tony and ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now