Part 40-morning

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Tony's pov
I woke up to Lucas crying so I went and picked him up

"Shhhhhh it's ok" I said trying to calm him down but he kept on crying like he was in pain

"What's wrong do your teeth hurt" I said then I remembered Ava left the pacifier in the freezer so I went to go get it being mindful of not waking anyone up and gave it to him and he started to chew on it which calmed him down

"It's sorry I know it hurts" I said kissing his forehead so I put him back in his crib and waited for him to finish so I can put it away and go back to sleep. So I was checking my phone and it was 6 in the morning

"It's way to early" I said to myself then I heard a door open so I went to see who it was

"Hello" I said outside then I saw Thomas

"Oh my gosh you scared me" he said

"Why are you up this early we leave at 12" I said

"Um why are you up this early" he said

"Well number 1 Lucas started crying and number 2 I asked you first

"Ok I was Umm was just seeing if anyone was awake" he said

"I know your lying tell me the truth" I said

"Fine I was going to call Anthony and ask him what time he was going to get tot he airport" He said

"Wait why would Anthony be at the airport?" I said confused

"Because I felt avani being sad because she was going to be the only single girl so I invited Anthony to surprise her" he said explaining

"Oh that makes sense" I said then

"Ok imma go back" I said so I went back and Lucas was still chewing on it then When he was done I took it away because he would just get dirty and he started to whine

"No no no Lucas it's ok" I said picking him up

"I know your tired because I am too but you have to go to sleep because we have a flight" I said and started to rock him and he fell asleep in my arms

"Night" I said putting him in his crib and I got back in bed and slept more

Avas pov
I woke up to my alarm at 8am and I thought Lucas would cry but no he was still asleep

"Is he ok?" I said goin to see him and he was sleeping then Tony woke up

"What's wrong?" He said getting up

"When my alarmed beep Lucas didn't cry and I thought something was wrong but no" I said confused

"That's because he woke up at 6 he was in pain gave him his pacifier and he fell right back asleep" he said tried

"And how long did it take?" I asked him

"An hour" he said going back to bed

"Thank you bubba" I said hugging him

"No problem" he said going back to sleep

"You still have to get up" I said

"Why we don't leave until 12" he said

"We have 4 hours" I said

"Fine" he said so we both got ready I changed into grey leggings and a crop top did my hair brushed my teeth and started to pack all my toiletries put them into my suitcase and Tony came into the bathroom

"You look so cute even without makeup" Tony said hugging me

"Thank you" I said smiling

"I still need to pack" Tony said so I went to go get Lucas ready and he was not happy

"I'm sorry I know your grumpy" I said trying to calm him down

"Here's your toy" I said and that seemed to calm him down enough so quickly I got him ready

"Ok now your done" I said putting him down on our bed

"I need to pack my carryon" I said so I put some more stuff like some snacks for Lucas, my stuff, and more

"You almost down its 11 now" Tony's said

"Yea I just need to make him 3 bottles I think" I said

"You think?" Tony said

"I don't know how he'll react to the plane" I said so I picked up Lucas and we went downstairs and I saw avani kinda sad

"What's wrong avani?" I said confused

"Oh nothing can I hold Lucas?" She said so I handed her Lucas

"I know your sad I'm not dumb" I said making Lucas bottles

"Ok ok fine but I'm not that sad" She said cheering up

"Well why in the first place?" I said

"Because imma be the only single girl because Anthony has to be here" she said

"Oh I'm sorry look when we're in Hawaii we can spend a lot of time together ok me don't need no mans" I said and she cheered up

"Well except for Lucas" she said tickling him and he started giggling

"Ok imma be back can you take care of Lucas for a bit and give him this" I said giving her a bottle

"Sure" she said and she walked away with him so I capped each bottle and I went upstairs and put 2 in the pockets and I put on my backpack and now Tony was ready

"Where Lucas?" He said

"With avani she was kinda said that Anthony ain't coming" I said grabbing my suitcase

"Is Lucas stroller" I said then Tony cut me off

"I'm the car yes" he said smiling

"Ok what time is it?" I said

"11:30" Tony said

"Ok let's head downstairs" I said and everyone was waiting on me tony kouvr and Alex

"Finally!" Thomas said

"I bet you kouvr and alex are still asleep" Addison said

"Hey we have a kid" Tony said laughing

"Ok oh look there coming out of there room" Dre said

"Sorry" they said and we all headed out the door and started to get into cars and putting our luggage in the trunk and we took Tony's cars since it had more room so dre, Addison and Avani came with me tony and Lucas.

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