Part 49

699 17 1

Avas pov
It was the middle of the night and tony was rolling around on his side of the bed

"Bubba?" I said concerned

"What" he groaned

"Are you ok?" I said sitting up

"No I feel sick" he said

"I'm sorry Bubba" I said rubbing his back then he went to the bathroom and got sick

"Bubba.." i said going up to him and rubbed his back

"I'm sorry" he said weakly

"No it's ok" I said and he rested his head on my shoulder

"I feel terrible" he said

"I know" I said so we just sat there for a bit until tony stood up and went back to bed

I woke up to Lucas crying and Tony groaning so I went to go get Lucas and calmed him down to not stress out tony

"Your daddy's sick ok baby we have to be quiet today" I told him so I went downstairs made him a bottle fed him and went back into my room and set Lucas down for him to play with all his toys and checked on tony

"Come here Bubba" I said holding my arms out

"How you feeling?" I asked him while playing with his hair

"Just a little bit better" he said quietly

"I'm sorry Bubba" I said

"It's not your fault" he said getting closer to me

"You tired?" I asked him and he nodded

"I'll be right here you've always been there for me now I will be here for you ok" I said and he nodded

"But you can't be close to Lucas" I said and he seemed sad

"But he's my baby" he said and I could tell he was sad

"But you could get him sick even for sick than you maybe" I said stroking his hair

"Ok.." he said

"Where is my boy anyways" he said

"Over there playing" I said pointing at him and he came crawling over to us

"I'm sorry you can't be near me" Tony said and Lucas just stayed there

"Now get some rest I'll be right here alright" I said to him and he nodded again and not another word he fell asleep

"I love you" I whispered so I decided to watch some tv and let Lucas play because ever since he learned to crawl he's been activate all day so I watched some tv and put it low volume so tony doesn't wake up so I was watching it for a bit then I deicided to go make some food since we haven't eaten since this morning so I picked up Lucas put him in his high chair and I started making some soup

"Your hungry aren't you" I said to Lucas so I have him some so cut up fruit for him to eat and I continued making soup until Addison came downstairs

"Hey Ava what's up?" She said

"Just making soup" I said

"Where Tony?" She said

"He's sleeping because he is sick" I said

"Oh tell him to get better" she said

"I will" I said

"Anyways What are you doing here?" I said and mind you it was 11pm

"Oh I was about to make food too" she said

"Mind if I help?" She said

"No you can help me" I said so we continued to make some soup and when it was down to was now 12

"Ok imma go see if Tony wants some can you watch Lucas for a bit?" I asked her

"Yea can I take him to my room for a bit?" She said

"Um sure" I said so she took Lucas and some soup to her room so I went up to my room and he seams like he is just waking up

"Bubba" I said sitting down next to him and he just sat next to me and payed his head on my shoulders

"How you feeling?" I asked him

"I still feel sick" he said weekly

"You want anything to eat?" I asked and he shock his head no

"Please Bubba" I said and he just groaned

"No I don't feel like it" he said

"Let me rephrase you have to eat so you don't get even more sick" I said concerned

"But I feel like if I eat I'll throw up again" he said

"If you don't we have it take you to the hospital" I said

"Can you just try to eat a little bit" I said

"Okay" he said

"Want me to bring it up or you wanna go downstairs?" I asked him

"I'll go downstairs" he said so we went downstairs and he sat on the barstools and I got a plate of soup for him and gave it to him

"I'll be right back Bubba" I said kissing his cheek so I went to addys room

"Hey I'm back" I said

"Hey" she said and Lucas so on her bed

"He fell asleep" she said

"Ok I'll take him it's his nap time anyways" I said picking him up

"Also where did dre go?" I asked him

"In the shower" she said

"Oh ok" I said so I went and put Lucas in his crib for his nap and went back downstairs and saw Tony laying his head on the counter

"Bubba" I said and he groaned

"Did you finish?" I asked him and he nodded yes and he only at half but I didn't want to force him so I washed the plate and put it to dry

"Bubba I think we should go to the doctors" I said

"Why" he said he hated when we he had to go tot he doctor for himself because he felt bad

"Because you seem like your getting worse and I don't want anything happening to you" I said

"But what about Lucas" he said

"I'll ask kouvr or addi but we need to get you taken care of" I said to him

"But don't you have to make an appointment" he said

"I'll make one right now ok" I said and he nodded yes and he gave in quickly so he must be sick sick

"Ok let's go back to our room" I said so we went into our room and Tony got ready while I made an appointment

Tony and ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now