Part 19

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Avas pov
"Attention all shoppers & employees we are going into lockdown" we hear on the loud speaker. Then a employee can to us signaling to follow her so we did.

"Bubba I'm scared" I said whispering to Tony

"Look it's going to be ok" he said whispering back. Then we hide in between 2 cardboard boxes in the back of the store.Our phones were buzzing like crazy so we turned them off and waited.

Ondreaz pov
The whole hype house was downstairs making TikToks on YouTube or just chillin on our phones.

"Guys" Thomas said worried

"What is it?" I ask

"Look" he says pointing at his phone. Then we all looked

"Were here at this children's store were there were countless 911 calls about a shooter" the reporter says on live

"Omg isn't that the target that Ava and Tony are at!?" Charli stays pointing at the store. So Thomas put the video on the tv so we can all see better.

"We have just had reports that the shooter is making its way to the target next to it.

"Omg what are we going to do!" I say freaking out

"Look baby they may be on there way home right now" Addison said trying to calm me down

"Look lets just text them and see if they answer" Nick says. Then we all start frantically texting them seeing if they would answer.

"There not answering!" I said panicking around the house

"What do we do!?!" Avani said

"We wait" Thomas said sitting on the couch seriously

"What-" addison said

"Look we just pray that they are ok" He said again

"And they have caught the shooter" the tv says

"Omg!" Everyone sighs in relief

"He is now in police custody but-". Then we all look back at the tv

"There are about 2 dead and 12 injured" she said

"Oh my gosh" the girls said

"They could be one of them" Chase said

"We have to go there!" I say grabbing my keys

"I'll go" kouvr said coming to me

"No kouvr stay here" I said pushing kouvr away

"No ava is like a sister to me and since Olivia isn't here I'll be her sister" She said getting back up

"Fine cmon lets go" I say waving at the door

"No ondreaz , kouvr !" Thomas said chasing us

"What" I said

"It can still not be safe it's a police investigation" Alex said while the rest come to us

"Look we have to go see if there ok" kouvr said

"No bub don't go" Alex said to kouvr

"Baby please don't go we don't want anything happening to you guys" Addison said to me

"Look we just wait for them to call or text us" Nick says

"Fine" we both say and head back to the couch. And we all just sit and wait until anyone's phone rings. Then 10 minutes later my phone rings.

"Hello..." I say picking it up seeing Tony's name

Avas's pov
Me and Tony are just sitting there being as quiet as we can be as we hear gunshots getting louder and louder. Then Tony hugs me tight and I hug him and we both close our eyes as we keep hearing gunshots closer and closer Then 2 more.

"BANG BANG" (no not the drink that's suppose to be gunshots sorry). Then I feel pressure on my shoulder and open my eyes to see the shooter on the floor. And my shoulder bleeding

"Oh my gosh" I say looking at it

"Mamas don't look at it" Tony said re assuring me

"Tony I-I'm scarred" I say worried

"Look your gonna be alright" he says with tears in his eyes. Then we see the police man looking at Me and then signaling something

"Ma'am look at me we're getting paramedics" he says.

"Look mamas I know there's a lot of blood but just don't close your eyes" Tony said looking at me

"I love you" he says crying

"I love you to" I say trying not to close my eyes. Then we se paramedics come rushing to us and putting me on a stretcher as Tony is still there.

Tony's pov
I try re assuring Ava that she's going to be okay while trying to keep myself calm to not scare her and then paramedics come and put her on the stretcher as I stay with her

"What's your name and age" he says to Ava

"Ava Lynn and I'm 18" Ava says trying not to fall asleep

"Look Ava stay with me ok we don't want you closing your eyes" He says. Then they bring Ava to the ambulance

"Who are you?" He ask me

"My name is Tony lopez" I say

"And what is your relationship to Ava" he says

"I'm her boyfriend" I say trying not to cry

"Ok we're on our way to the hospital" He says as we both get in the car

"Look Ava mamas I love you cmon stay with me" I say trying not to intervene

"Mmhmm" Ava said

"She losing a lot of blood" he says trying to stop the blood

"What's happening to her?" I say

"We have to stabilize her and when we get to the hospital we have to take her into emergency surgery" he says

"She's going to be ok right?" Is ay still crying

"We will have to see but she's in good hands" he says trying to re assure me while I'm re assuring Ava. Then we get to the hospital and we see more people being rolled into the hospital some worse some already looking dead.

"We have a 19 year old girl bullet to the shoulder massive blood loss emergency surgery stable" he says rolling her it not he hospital

"Ava I love you I always will" I say now full on crying

"Look sir we need you to wait in the waiting room" a nurse said to me blocking me from entering more

"B-but that my girl" I say

"Look sir she's going into surgery and we will update you as much as we can" she says blocking me

"We need you to wait in the waiting room" she says pointing

"She is going to be ok just wait we need you to co operate" she says

"Ok...." I say going to sit down. And I wen to immediately call Dre

Tony and ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now