Chapter 1

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I woke up alone, so I guess Angelo is getting ready for today. I yawned and slowly got up to go into his shower before we leave to relax. The thing is, once in the bathroom, I only saw a bath so his shower must be hidden. Angelo's bathroom is beautiful. He has two chandeliers in the middle of the room than a vanity on one side with a shelf and a cabinet on the other side with a huge sink plus a large mirror that opens up. The bath was in the wall in the wall with a fireplace and small curtains. There is another door, so I guess the shower is there, but I don't want to find out just in case it's something else.

I found a towel to use, then walked over to the tub and to strip off my clothes. I turned the water on as I got inside to enjoy the hot water flowing up my body until I had to stop it and clean off. Once I cleaned off, I wanted to relax, but the door opened, making me grab the towel to cover up, not knowing who the hell it was, of course, it was Angelo. He smiled and gave me a lust-filled looked and went to grabbed me another towel as he said, "You look relaxed kitten. Sorry to interrupt, but we have places to go, and you know I will see you naked sooner or later, plus I have seen most of your breast."

I covered my face to hide my red my face making Angelo laughed and put the towel down. Angelo kissed my forehead and said, "See you downstairs, kitten."

"Ok, Angelo," I mumbled. Angelo laughed again as he left, making me growl. Angelo is sweet but an asshole at times. Once I knew he was gone, I got out and left the water to dry off then put the towel in the hamper. When I did, I went in the closet to put on a long sleeve, black, double breast blazer, which is a V-neck and short. I put heels on and then went back to the bathroom to brush my hair out because I forgot-my curls were flowing like no one's business, so that's good.

I need to go, don't I because Angelo is waiting on me downstairs. I sighed and left to see him talking to everyone about everything I am guessing. They all looked at me, and the guys looked at me with lust, but Angelo more so compared to Giovanni. Well, thanks to Giovanni, I thought. I walk over to Angelo, who was surprised but happy. Angelo wrapped his arm around me and said, "Mom, you are leaving as well just in case something happens. Dad, I don't care because it's up to you, but mom it is not up for discussion."

"I know Angelo, and we are both leaving because Giovanni can handle himself, plus there are guards here another thing is we need to solve this problem, and we can't do this from here. You two should get going Angelo; it's a long trip home Angelo plus Ava will need to get adjusted," his mom said. That's an understatement because I have never been to Italy or out of the country. I don't speak the language, and I am going with a man I don't really know even if Angelo is sweet. Angelo has been nothing but caring, but I don't know anything about Angelo period, so this will be weird, but I knew nothing about Giovanni either, of course, look where that went. It went to hell, I thought as I smiled, and Angelo said, "I know, and we are going. Ava, you have anything to say."

I looked at Giovanni, but he didn't say a word or come to kiss me, so I said: "I hope you two come to visit us in Italy."

Angelo laughed and said, "I see you two are not getting along."

"When he tells me what he is hiding, then we will get along," I said. Giovanni growled, "It's none of your business."

"Then you can fuck off, and we can leave Angelo," I said. Everyone but Giovanni laughed as we started to leave and went to Angelo's car. As we did, Giovanni grabbed me and said: "Ava, I am sorry."

I huffed, making Giovanni laugh and kiss me, so I kissed him back then left for Angelo's car. Once in his car, I crossed my arms as Angelo touched my leg to say, "Tell me what do you think my brother is doing kitten."

I sighed and said, "Cheating, and you know that, but for some reason, I know you won't cheat why, Angelo."

I know he won't cheat because of how he acts and treats me, but I don't know why? Angelo seems more the type, but I get that feeling with him. I looked at Angelo as he looked at me, and he said: "Kitten don't ask questions you are not ready for the answer for yet just know I would never cheat on you."

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