Chapter 2

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I woke up alone in bed, but Angelo is probably working, which sucks. You know waking up alone every morning sucks. I sighed and got up to head into the bathroom, which is amazing, O my god. When you walk in, there is a huge glass shower that could fit, I don't know how many, has a bench, two shower head above and them multiple shower heads on the walls. On the floor next to it is a small pool, then flat screen across from the shower and a fireplace below the tv. Past that is a large corner jet tub with a mirror and a door next to with the towels plus other stuff in there.

Holly shit Angelo talk about overkill. I grabbed a towel and then took a hot shower, which felt amazing. Angelo's shower is fantastic, and I could live in here, but I can't wait to get in the tub. I reluctantly got out of the shower and dried off then I brushed my hair out to let my curls show. Once I finish my hair, I went into the closet to put on a black, velvet, floral print, swoop neck, spaghetti strap, short dress with an open back. Once I finished getting dressed, I put heels on and grabbed my bag to head out to find Angelo's office.

I walk downstairs until I ran into Santino, who said, "Where are you going?"

"Looking for Angelo Santino, do you know where he is by any chance," I said. Where else would I be going like really because I don't know Italy to save my life? Santino smiled and said, "Yeah, he is in his office, so follow me, Ava."

I shook my head yes and followed him to two large doors that are beautiful. They are hand-carved, and as I was looking at them, Santino said, "Angelo's in there but in a meeting so knock first Ava."

Santino left, making watch him leave then look at the doors. Umm, should I interrupt or just wait for them to finish up. Angelo is probably busy, and I hate to bug him right now, but I should tell him I am here. Ugh. I knocked, and after a second, Angelo yelled, "Who is it?"

"Ava," I yelled. Angelo was silent and then said, "Give me a minute."

"Ok," I said. I waited at the door for a minute and played with my fingers until the doors open to reveal several men. They all look at me with curiosity and then lust as they left. I watched them leave and then poked my head in to see Angelo leaning on his desk with his arms crossed, making me smile as I said, "Sorry to interrupt."

"Don't worry, I need a break from that meeting anyway now come inside kitten, I won't bite painfully at least," Angelo said. I covered my face to hide my blush, making him chuckle. I growled as I walked up to him, making him push off his desk to meet me halfway. Angelo pulled my hands away, cupped my face, and kissed me with dominance making me moan. Angelo moaned as I kissed him back and put my hands on his hips. Angelo pulled away and moved the hair from my face to run his thumb over my lip. Once Angelo did, he ran his hand down my collar bone down the side of my breast making me shiver under his touch, but he continued to down my stomach to my hips. I looked at Angelo and wrapped my arms around his neck, making him put his hands on my ass to pull me against his chest.

"You are so beautiful, kitten," Angelo said. I chuckled, making him just smile at me, and it brought back what Santino said last night. I looked at Angelo and said, "Do you love me, Angelo?"

Angelo froze up and gave me a hard look like he didn't want to tell me yet. Maybe Santino was wrong that Angelo doesn't love me, and Angelo just cares. Angelo cocked his head and said, "Santino, I take it, kitten."

"Not an answer, Mr. Giudice," I said. Angelo laughed and used his one hand to move the hair from my neck then cupped my face to say, "I do, does it scare you kitten."

"No, why would it Angelo because I know one day we will have a family, and I am sure so will I," I said. Angelo smiled and kissed me with love with a lot of love. I have never been kissed like this and I love it making me moan as I leaned closer into his body. Angelo groaned, "So tempting kitten, but I still have work to do, and you are not ready."

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