Chapter 13

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1 Month Later

We finally get to find out the gender of the baby today and we are so excited. One problem is Angelo has an important business meeting today so mom is going with me then I am surprising Angelo with the gender. I can't wait because I am almost positive I am having a boy but Angelo thinks it is a girl.

He wants a boy as his first child so he can protect his baby sister but he thinks it's a girl. I am almost positive it is a boy and I am dying to prove him wrong. Of course, he is dying to prove me wrong too but I will win. Dad bets it is a boy while Giovanni thinks it is a girl to so their is a bet in the house now which is funny as hell.

Angelo left early this morning so I am alone in bed needing to get up to take a bath. I groaned as slipped out of bed to head into the bathroom and started my bathwater. As the tub was filling I grabbed a towel and brushed my teeth.

Once I finished I turned my water off then slipped into the water to relax against the tub. I sighed and closed my eyes because this water feels so nice. It feels so nice on my achy body and is helping wake my ass up.

Since I have gotten farther in my pregnancy I have gotten achier some mornings so I take more baths. I am still really dizzy which sucks but hey what can you do. My stomach has gotten bigger which Angelo loves because he loves to touch my belly, He loves feeling the baby kick and everything that involves the baby which is amazing. I love the man to death and he will be a great dad.

I heard my door open making me turn to see mom coming in with clothes. She smiled and sat them down to say "Angelo said you always take a bath in the morning so here are your clothes and I will be outside."

"Ok, mom I will be out soon."

Mom left making me finally clean up and then dry off. I walked over to the mirror and brushed my hair to let my curl show then went over to my clothes. I let my towel fall and slipped on the long sleeve, dark blue, and a white striped shirt that goes blow my butt then leggings. Once those where on I put on the brown, high boots she got me and brown scarf.

It is really cute but she can pick out outfits I thought as I left the bathroom. Mom was on the bed waiting for me patiently. Once she saw me she smiled and said: "You look beautiful Ava and are you ready?"

"Yes because I am dying to prove Angelo wrong?"

Mom laughed as we left the bedroom to head to doctors' rooms. I am really nervous but happy at the same time just like last time. I took a deep breath as we went into the doctor's room to see him ready and waiting on us.

I smiled and sat on the bed to pull my shirt up as I laid back on the bed. The doctor laughed and said, "Can not wait to prove Angelo wrong I see Ava."

I laughed "Most definitely doctor."

He laughed and put that jelly on my stomach which was cold as hell making me shiver. He turned the monitored on and grabbed the wand to put it on my stomach to look at the baby.

We looked with him to see the baby had grown so much from last time and I can't wait till I give birth. Mom grabbed my hand as the doctor said "Well Ava you are having a beautiful baby boy and winning this bet."

We laughed as mom said, "Men run in the Giudice family."

"I think a girl will be in our future but let's go tell the boys" I hummed.

Mom smiled as the doctor cleaned me up and put the wand away. I put my shirt down and waited for him to print out ultrasound pictures as Angelo asked for. I know he was upset about not being here but I have been dying to know the gender so I could not wait any longer. He is also busy all this week so no time for the ultrasound anyway which is why we are doing this.

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