Chapter 10

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Angelo has been a pain in my ass all week even if he said he would stay in bed because every time I got sick, he would try to get up. Angelo can't get up, so then after I finished, I would have to run out and push him on the bed to cuss his ass out. Not fun with throw up in my mouth because I didn't get the chance to clean my mouth. I didn't want him to pop his stitches, but finally, Angelo is healed. He still needs to take it easy for the week, meaning I will be up his ass for the next week.

I don't mind, but I know I will be yelling at him all week, and his mom has been to because he has been kind of stressing me out. Angelo isn't doing it on purpose because he is worried about me and wants to come when I am getting sick, but Angelo needs to rest so he will heal faster. The problem is the man is stubborn like dad from what I was told. I know Angelo has good intentions, so it doesn't bother me too much, but he is still a pain in my ass, and I have another week of trying to make him take it easy.

I sighed and looked at Angelo, who is still fast asleep with me in his arms. Angelo is tired, but with everything that happened, I don't blame him. I kissed him and slowly slipped out of bed to head into the bathroom. I went into the shower and went to start it, but then my stomach started to hurt, making me go over to the toilet. I leaned over and grabbed my hair as I threw up, making me sit down. Someone took my hair from me as a hand ran up and down my back. I finished up and spit what was left out and looked to see Angelo making me say, "Sorry if I woke you, love."

Angelo helped me up and over to the sink as he said, "It's fine kitten; it's my job to take care of you."

I sighed and brushed my teeth as Angelo kissed my neck tenderly. I finished up and smiled as I turned around to wrap my arms around his neck, as I said, "Remember, the doctor said to take it easy, Angelo. I know you are healed, but he still wants you to be careful for the next week, ok."

"I know kitten because you, mom, and the doctor have told me twenty times over," Angelo said. I laughed and kissed him with love making Angelo groan. I laughed and said, "Sorry, love but not for another week and not unless rest for that week because if you do too much, you will have to go back on bed rest."

"Understood kitten," Angelo said as we stripped and went into the shower. I helped Angelo get cleaned up, and then he helped somewhat, but halfway through I, notice Angelo was tired, so I stopped him and said, "Go get dried off and dressed."

"Kitten, I am fine," Angelo said. I kissed him and said, "No, you are getting tired now, go love."

Angelo growled but left, making me laugh, and as I did, Angelo came back inside to spank my ass. I moaned and looked at Angelo, making him smile. I laughed and shook my head no to finish my shower up then left to dry off. I brushed my hair down and then left for the closet. I put a pink, black, lace bra and thong set on then went to look at my dresses. I finally found a black, below the knee, long sleeve, straight neck, open chest dress, which is tight, showing all my curves like always. Soon I will have a baby bump showing and I will need to go shopping for new clothes.

Once I had the dress on, I slipped some shoes on and walked back into the bedroom to see Angelo waiting on me, but what does he have planned. I glared at him making him smile and say, "You look breathtaking kitten, and I can't wait till you have a baby bump."

I laughed and touched my stomach as I said, "I am sure then I will need to go clothing shopping again."

Angelo walked over to me and pulled me against him gently as he said, "Mom would love that, and you should know by now that won't be a problem."

I laughed and kissed him as I cupped his face making Angelo groan. I put my tongue deep into his mouth to dominate his mouth for once, making him growl and take over. I moaned and put my hands in his hair, but pulled away to say, "I think we should stop."

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