Chapter 5

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I woke up to a hand, rubbing up and down my back, making me moan as I snuggled deeper into my pillow, which growled. I smiled and looked up to Angelo, looking at me with lust as he said, "Do that again, and I will have you begging to cum for an hour straight."

I would love that, but I have a long night ahead, making me snuggle into his chest and say, "Ok, I will behave for now that is Angelo."

Angelo spanked me, making me yelp and sit up as he said, "You have a plan up your sleeve kitten, and I will figure it out."

"No, you won't, but you can try Angelo, and don't you have work to do," I said as I leaned up to kiss him. I touched his chest as I did, making him growl and cover my hand with his. I pulled away and slipped out of bed to say, "Come on, shower time, or I can take one by  myself."

I turned and pouted, making him  chuckled as he slipped out of bed to say, "You, our adorable kitten, but a tease now tell me your plan."

"Nope," I said, popping the p, making him throw me over his shoulders and carry me to the shower. I giggled and hit his back as I said, "Angelo put me down."

Angelo put me down in the shower and said, "There now shower, and I will be back, kitten."

I pouted, making him smile and kiss me with dominance. I moaned and leaned into his body, making him wrap his arms around me and say, "No, you don't not till I know your plan kitten."

I pecked his lips and started to water, making him growl as he spanked me hard. I yelped, slashed moan, and glared at him to see him smiling that ass. Angelo chuckled and said, "Kitten, two can play this game, so get ready. I will find out your plan one way or another."

I stuck my tongue out at him making him raise his eyebrow and point at me to say, "Do that again, and I will give you a place to put that tongue of yours."

I bit my lips and slashed him, making him groan but leave. I laughed and started to clean up, so I am nice for Angelo tonight. Today will be hell because I know he will hold up his end of that threat, but I will not tell him. That was fun because I have never seen Angelo so relaxed and calm. I like it, and I will have to do it some more, but I will probably give in then. I smiled as I finished up and dried off just in time for Angelo to come inside.

I had a towel around me as Angelo walked over and hugged me from behind to say, "You are coming with me to my office kitten my brother wants to talk again and my parents. I think something happened, so go get dressed."

Ugh great that prick again. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him, making him take over to dominant my mouth. I moaned as he pulled away and smiled, making me glare at him. Angelo smiled, making me huff and go back to brush my hair. Once I did, Angelo slapped my ass, making me yelp, "Hey."

"Don't hey me kitten," Angelo said as he rubbed where he spanked me, making me smile and kiss him. Angelo chuckled and went to go take his own shower, making me finish brushing my hair out, which I left down again then brush my teeth. Once I finished, I took the towel off and left to go into our closet to put on a tight, blue, below my knee, deep V-neck, short sleeve dress with ruffle sleeves.

I slipped heels on as Angelo came inside, making me turn to see him in a very low hanging towel the tease. He talks about me being a fucking tease. Angelo growled, making me snap out of thought and looked at him to see him looking at me with lust. Angelo looked at my breast and said: "Such a fucking tease kitten I could devour you right now."

I bit my lip and closed my legs, making him smile as he said, "My kitten likes that idea, but she won't get it till she tells me what she is planning."

I walked over to him and said, "Sorry, but no, Angelo."

Angelo groaned and got dressed, making me giggle at him and head back out to the bedroom to wait on him. I laid down and waited on him to finish getting dress, which took him about ten minutes, but he is putting a suit on plus guns also, whatever goes on a suit, so I guess that not bad. I sighed and got up when he came out, making Angelo walk over to me and say, "I know you don't want to see my brother again, but it's family matter kitten. You are family, so it involves you, but I won't make you go if you don't want to go."

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