Chapter 8

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I woke up colder than usual, making me look and see Angelo gone. Hmm, where is he at because I didn't sleep in by the clock, so Angelo must be doing something he doesn't want me knowing. I have a sinking feeling it deals with Giovanni to, but what can I do Vivian dug his grave yesterday. I sighed and slipped out of bed to limp to the shower, making me laugh. Ugh, I am going to be limping all day even if it's a tiny limp. It's a good limp so I won't complain and I would do it again. I actually plan to, or I hope, at least.

I hopped in the bathtub to relax for a bit. I hope Angelo doesn't go overboard because I hate to get between them even more than they already are. I hate Giovanni, but I hate to make Angelo hate him. I sighed and cleaned myself then got out to get dried off. Once I did, I brushed my hair and my teeth then finished up in the bathroom to head into the closet. Once inside, I put on some underwear and went to find an outfit. I want to be comfortable with my limp, and I don't plan to do much either, so why get dressed up today. I sighed and shorted through my clothes until I found a white t-shirt and jeans with holes in the knees to wear. Comfortable and nice to wear around the house, making me slip it on then some shoes to head out downstairs.

Once in the kitchen, I found mom eating, making me smile and say, "Hey, what's up?"

"Hello Ava, what are you doing today," mom asked. Nothing that I know of making me say, "Nothing why?"

I sat at the counter as she said, "Let's go out and spend the day together to get to know each other. We barely know each other, yet you are my daughter."

It sounds like a lot of fun, and I could use some fresh air honestly, but I need to tell Angelo. I hopped off the stool and said, "Sounds awesome, but I need to tell Angelo first, so meet you at the door."

"Sure, see you there," mom said as she jumped up, making me laugh and head to Angelo's office. Once there, I knocked and waited for several minutes, so Angelo must not be here, but where is he. I went to leave, but a voice said, "Who is it?"

"Ava Angelo, I wanted to see if you were ok and say your mom and me were going to spend the day together," I said. Angelo was silent for a minute, which has me worried. What is he doing in there? I huffed as Angelo said, "I am fine kitten and take Santino with you, please. Have fun."

"I will and umm, I guess, have a good day," I said. Angelo mumbled something as I left to grab my purse than to find Santino, who was waiting downstairs with mom. I smiled and said, "Angelo said to come with us today if it's not to much trouble, Santino."

"Of course not Ava now let's go, ladies," Santini said, making us laugh and head out to his black, range rover velar. God, I love this vehicle, but I wish I had my own, then again, all of Angelo's cars are mine, aren't they? We hopped in the back as Santino got in the front and said, "Where two ladies?"

"How about to look at cars," mom said, making me cock my head. Did I talk out loud again? I groaned and said, "Did I talk out loud just now?"

"No, I just want to look at some cars, but if you want one, you can buy one Ava," mom said with a smile. That lair I so said that aloud making me look at Santino, who put his hands up. O that asshole is going to leave me to the wolves, isn't he making me huff, "No, we have enough cars, plus all of Angelo's are mine technically, but we can look at some cars."

"Angelo's dad has a lot of cars, but I still have my own cars, Ava. It's nice to have your own car, so let's go get you one," mom said. I huffed and shook my head no, making her say, "We shall see Ava we shall see."

O no, that doesn't sound good for me, making Santino laugh and take off to a car dealer. That laugh also makes it sound like I am in for a fight that I am going to lose. Ugh, what did I get myself into today? Mom was on her phone, texting up until we got to the dealership, which had beautiful cars, making us get out and start to look around. These cars are fantastic but expensive, and the one I love was definitely expensive.

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