Chapter 3

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I woke up horny as hell and wet, being I had one hell of a dream about Angelo. Ugh, not even two nights, and I am having sex dreams about him, and omg god was it out of this world. I wish I didn't wake up honestly, and now again, I am horny. Ugh. I looked to see Angelo gone even though he said he would try to stay later the liar. I huffed and sat up, but as I did, the bathroom door opened, making me see Angelo coming out in a bath towel hang very low. I covered my face and said, "Umm, what were you doing, Angelo? Why weren't you in bed with me like you said?"

Angelo walked over as he said, "Well, you see a certain beautiful, sexy woman was moaning in her sleep, and I couldn't help but get a little hard, so I had to take a cold shower."

No, I didn't. I flopped back and groaned as I covered my head with the covers. I can't believe Angelo heard me moaning, and I hope I didn't moan his name. Angelo chuckled and pulled the covers making look at him as I put hands down. Angelo was smiling as he said, "Tell me, kitten, what was I doing to you because you were moaning my name quite loud."

I groaned and covered my face as Angelo got on the bed, making me look to see his knee on the bed. I put my hands down, making Angelo crawl over me nice and slow, which was sexy as hell, making me even hornier. I groaned, making him smile and cup my cheek to kiss me with dominance making me moan. Angelo moaned and pulled away an inch away from my face to say, "So kitten, can I see how wet you are, or will you keep that secret from me today."

I wiggled under him and moaned, "I don't know, can you, my husband."

Angelo put his head back and moaned as I felt his cock press again me threw his towel. Angelo looked at me with pure lust and said, "You do tempt me, kitten."

I bit my lip, making him groan and lean down to kiss me with love, then kissed down to my neck, making me moan. I put my hand in Angelo's hair as he started to nibble and kiss my sweet spot, making me moan his name. Angelo groaned as he ran down my breast then stomach till he hit my shorts. I shivered when Angelo's hand slipped in my short and thong as he ran his fingers threw my folds, making me moan. I tightened my grip on his hair and tossed my head to the side as I moaned his name. Angelo groaned, "So fucking wet, and I didn't even touch you, kitten. The sounds you make are enough to drive me crazy, and your skin is so soft I can only imagine what you taste like, kitten."

I moaned at the thought of him tasting and the feel of his fingers deep inside of my pussy. I already have his fingers in my pants, and he is my husband, plus I am very horny. Angelo chuckled and said, "Does my kitten like the idea because you just got wetter."

"What if I do want you to Angelo," I said. Angelo pulled up, so he was looking at me and pulled his hand out of my pants to say, "Than I am going to eat my kitten-like she has never been eaten before."

I moaned, making him smiled and slipped my shirt off then my bra. Once they were off, Angelo leaned down to take my breast in his mouth, making me moan as I tossed my head back and tighten my grip on his hair. Angelo groaned as he cupped my breast and started to play with my nibble like he was with his mouth making me whimper. Angelo growled and kissed down my stomach until he hit my short, making him sit up to pull them off. I bit my lip, making him smile and slip my underwear off. I closed my legs, but Angelo opened them to dip his head back between my leg, looking at me the entire he did.

Why does he always have to look so sexy when he does things? Angelo ran his fingers threw folds, making me moan. Angelo groaned and slowly put two fingers inside me, making arch my back as I moaned his name. Angelo started moving inside me nice and slow as he took my clit in his mouth. I whimpered and tighter my grip on his hair, making him moan, which sent vibration threw my pussy. I moaned as I tossed my head to the side, and Angelo pulled away to running his fingers, threw my folds again. I whimpered as Angelo moved to my entrance to put his tongue deep inside my pussy.

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