Chapter 4

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I woke up curled in Angelo's arms, meaning I am nice and warm. I snuggled deeper into his chest, making him groan, "You are finally up kitten."

I turned around in his arms and looked at him to say, "Yep, how long have you been up, Angelo?"

"Ten minutes, probably kitten, but it's fine kitten I love watching you sleep; its calming," Angelo said as he moved the hair from my face. I smiled and kissed his bare chest, making him groan and put his hand in my hair keep me close to him. Why does he make me feel like this? Angelo is a cold-blooded killer even more so then Giovanni, but he still makes me feel safe and loved.

Is it wrong of me to be falling for Angelo already? He is so sweet and caring to me, unlike Giovanni. Angelo has never pushed me or hurt me ever; actually, all he has done is protect me ever. I feel so safe in his arms and loved. I sighed and said, "Don't you have work to Angelo?"

Angelo groaned. "Sadly, but Giovanni wants to speak with you, so I have it set up in my office kitten. Let's go take a shower and go to my office; then I will give you some privacy."

We both got up as I said, "Or you could stay."

Angelo laughed as we went to the bathroom and took his night pants off, making me bite my lip. Angelo growled, making me look at him and then hid my face because he caught me looking at him. Angelo walked over to me and pulled my hands away to kiss me with love making me kiss him back. Angelo moaned and slipped my nightgown off, then my unhook my bra, which slipped off my body. Once he pulled back, Angelo slipped my underwear off and said, "You kissed me back with love kitten."

"I did Angelo," I said as I stepped out of my underwear and went into the shower. Angelo followed me and started the water as he pulled me against his body. He kissed my neck and said, "You will be the death of me kitten."

"I could say the same Angelo," I whispered as I left his arms to get the shampoo and conditioner plus soap. I walked back over to him, and we cleaned each other, which was nice. I shaved before I left, and Angelo stayed in the shower with me to finish up himself. He didn't let me clean up a particular part being he did have work to do, but I was ok with that. Once we finish, we got out and dried off were I dried my hair off to brush it down.

I let my curls flow down my back and brushed my teeth as Angelo did his hair then teeth. I let him finish up and left for the closet to slip on my blue lace bra, thong set. Once I had my underwear on, I went to put on a red, V-neck, mesh long sleeve, below the knee dress with front corset tight around my waist.

"Sexy as always kitten and very tempting," Angelo said, making me turn to see him still in a towel. I laughed and twirled around to say, "Yes, but professional, my husband."

Angelo laughed and said, "Very professionally kitten, but you can turn anything sexy."

I laughed and went to grabbed some heels as he started to get dressed. Once I got my heels on, I walked over to Angelo and helped him with his shirt then tie, making him play with my hair. I smiled as Angelo slipped gun holster on then put his two guns in them. He slipped his jacket on as I said, "So Angelo, what happens to those two men yesterday and who were they anyway."

Angelo looked at me and said, "They were two of my men, and we can talk after you talk to Giovanni."

"Ok," I mumbled as I walked next to him and kissed him. Angelo wrapped his arm around my hip and kissed me back with dominance. I moaned, making him plunge his tongue deep into my mouth to explore my mouth until he pulled back, making me pant. Angelo smiled and said, "Don't start something you can't finish kitten."

I moaned, making him chuckle and lead me to his office, where he sat me down at his desk then pulled up a video chat. I groan as Giovanni popped up and looked at me with happiness. I huffed as Angelo leaned down and kissed me, making me kiss him back. Angelo said, "I will be back in ten."

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