Chapter 12

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Month and a half later

I woke to a curled up in Angelo's arms who was rubbing my stomach. I have the tiniest baby bump growing, and he loves holding my tummy. My morning sickness is gone, but now I have been getting headaches, and my dizziness is worse. I usually hang out with Santino, Angelo or Luciano just in case it gets too bad. Angelo doesn't trust anyone else, neither do I. I don't mind because it's fun hanging out with them.

We haven't seen or heard from mom since we moved to the new house. It is beautiful and seems a lot safer, but she won't talk to us. Dad comes every other week to check on us plus help us look for everyone. I wish mom would call, but I understand. I know this place is a sensitive subject for her.

Today we are getting our first ultrasound done, and I can't wait nor can Angelo. Dad is here to run the mafia for the day while we go to doctors. I hope everything goes ok because you never know. All we can do is hope everything goes ok. I have I feeling it will go ok, but if it doesn't I know Angelo will be there.

I sighed and looked up to see Angelo looking at me with love. I smiled and said, "Hello love ready for today."

"Of course I am kitten but you need to get up first," Angelo said as he started to play with my hair. Angelo's voice held humor as I glared at him. I hate getting of bed because it's so comfortable. He knows I hate getting out of bed, which is why he thinks it funny. "Kitten, come on get up or I will carry you to the shower self."

I smiled as I raised my eyebrows making him laugh as he got up. I groaned as I laid down on my back until Angelo picked me up. I laughed as he carried me to the shower. "You are spoiled."

"But you love me," I said as I kissed him. I turned the water on as he sat me down on the floor. Ugh I hate being dizzy. I grabbed Angelo as a wave of dizziness hit me making him grab me to hold me up. I rest against Angelo's chest till the dizziness past and let the water flow over us.

"Are you ok, kitten?" I can hear the worry in his voice as he held me close to his body. He started to rub my back as I shook my head, yes. Angelo cleaned my body and said, "Go get finish up kitten then dry off."

I pouted, but Angelo spanked me making me moan then sit done to shave. I wish I could clean him, but Angelo won't let me anymore with my dizziness. It sucks I thought as I finished up and left to dry off, then I brush my hair. I brushed my teeth after and finished up with my female thing to head into the closet.

Once there, I changed into skinny jeans and a tank top the slipped socks and sneaks on to match. They need my stomach today so I can't wear a dress today plus I want to be comfortable today as well. I also plan to relax today because I am tired. No particular reason, but I am for some reason. Some days I wake up more tired than others. I guess it a pregnancy thing.

I turned around to see Angelo getting ready in a sexy suit. I walked over and helped him get ready as I said, "So what are we doing after love?"

"Dad said he has news for us, so office kitten." Angelo was happy as he kissed me with love and pulled me against his chest. "You are beautiful kitten."

I smiled, making him laugh and pull me beside him as he led me out of the bedroom. I smiled as we walked into the doctor's room to see it set up and ready. I sat down as the doctor said, "Lift your shirt for me Ava, and laid down. This will be cold, by the way."

"O what fun." I pulled and shirt up and laid down making him walk over to get me ready. That jelly is cold on my belly, but I ignored to look at Angelo. I am nervous, but I know he isn't because he never is nervous. I don't know how, but he does run a mafia. I guess you can't get nervous at everything. Angelo is my husband also so I guess it his job to keep me calm.

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