Chapter 14

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My due date is finally here and I am so thankful because these men are driving me up a fucking wall. My due date is tomorrow but the doctor said it could come early so the guys won't let me alone. I have to be with one of them at all time and it is kill me because I want to kill them. They keep asking if I am ok or feeling like the baby is coming and I want to strangle them. I know they mean good but they need to give me a break before I kill one of them for real. They are pushing me to my breaking point. I love them all but god it is to much and so is mom.

Ugh and the pregnancy problems are killer so I can't wait for this baby to be out of my body. Angelo laughs at me every time I say that and I hit him every time he does. Next time he can the baby because it is not easy. I still love him but it is not funny if you ask me.

I looked up and saw Angelo fast asleep making slip out of bed and head into the bathroom. I walked over to the tub to start bath water but a voice said "Let me do that for you kitten."

I looked at Angelo as he walked over and started my bath water. I smiled and said "Go back to sleep I will be fine love."

"No I need to wake up anyway." Angelo kiss me with love and cupped my cheek. Once he pulled away he grabbed us towels and stopped the bath water.

I slipped inside and sat down making Angelo get behind me so I could relax on his chest. I snuggled into his as touched my stomach and kissed my neck. I smiled and covered his hand as I said "What are you doing today love?"

"I have work to do but other then that nothing kitten why?"

"No reason" I hummed "Come on let's get cleaned up."

I sat up and Angelo wash me up then help me out or the tub. I laughed as I grabbed the towel and dried off then wrapped it around my body. Once it was I walked over to sink to brushed my hair and teeth. I finished and left for the closet to find my outfit for the day.

I slipped on a pair of jeans and a white t shirt to wear. I put on shoes then walked over to Angelo to help him get dressed as he said "Kitten I really don't need help getting dressed."

"Mmm but I love help you get dressed love."

Angelo laughed and kissed me as he finished up getting dressed. Once he did we left the bed room and head down stairs to see everyone in the living room. We smiled and sat down as Angelo said "Why is everyone in the living pre tell?"

"No reason other then spending family time together. How are you feeling Ava?"

"As good as I could be being close to my due date dad" I said. The guys laughed but I growled "It is not funny and don't forget I can hit each of you."

Mom did it for me and I hit Angelo who said "I love you kitten."

"I love you to" I grunted.

Angelo kissed me and said "Lets go get something eat kitten and then I need to head to work."

I shook my head yes as Angelo helped me off the couch to head into the kitchen. Once there Angelo started to sort threw the cabinets as put my head down. He is so picky but I could just go for a bowel of cereal.

I went to say that but I got a pain between my legs and I left liquid. I looked down and thank god my water broke but now I am in a lot of pain. I groan "Angelo."

He looked at me with worry and said "What is wrong kitten?"

"My water broke."

He rushed over to me to pick me up and carried me up stairs to room they prepared. He refused to have the baby in hospital with his enemies but he got the best doctors and nurses he could for this. He also made a room just for this the crazy man I thought as he sat me on the bed. The doctor and nurse came in to get me changed.

They tried to make me comfortable but that is fucking hard with a baby coming out of you if you ask me. I growled "I hate you Angelo so much right now."

Angelo kissed me and said "I love you to kitten."

I grunted as the nurse laughed "Get ready for a lot more of that sir. You are not ready yet miss but you are close so hang in there."

I laid back and an hour later with painful contraction the doctor came in once more to say "Ok Ava you are ready to push. Remember to breath in and out so on three push, one, two, three, push."

I did as he said and god was it painful. I pushed for an half hour until we finally hear a tiny baby crying making collapses on the bed. I am so tired as Angelo went to do his thing and then the nurse took the baby to clean him up.

The doctor and other nurse cleaned and finished up with me to move to the other bed in the room. So tired is all I can think of as Angelo kissed my hair and say "I love kitten."

"Mmm I love you too but not another baby for away love."

Angelo laughed and kissed me with love as the nurse came over with baby. She hand him to me and said "What is his name?"

"His name is Drago Giudice."

She shook her head left making me say "He looks just like you Angelo."

"Maybe but he has your beautiful eyes and I have no doubt he will be a mommas boy."

I laughed and grabbed his hand which was tiny as hell. He smiled as Angelo said "Kitten why don't you go to sleep and spent time with Drago when you wake."

I shook my head yes as Angelo took him and put him the baby holder next to me. Angelo kissed me to say "Mom is coming in to watch you while I go to work ok."

I shook my head yes and said "Of course, I love you."

"I love you too kitten."

Angelo kissed me then Dragos forehead before he left to be replaced by mom. She came over to Drago to say "He looks just like Angelo but he does have your eyes. Rest Ava and I will watch Drago for you."

I shook my head yes and closed my eye to slip fast asleep with my baby boy next to me. I woke up to people talking making me see everyone looking at Drago. I laughed as the doctor walked over to me and said "How are you feeling Ava?"

"Fine just sore."

"Good I am going to have my nurse show you how to breast feed then you are good to head back to your room."

I smiled as everyone left and the nurse showed me what to do. She smiled as she said "You are doing great and are a naturally."

I laughed as I finished up and she showed me the rest. Once I finished she left and Angelo came inside with clothes. He kissed me with love and said "Lets get you back in bed kitten."

Angelo helped me put on the legging and tank he got me then slip out of bed. I stretched my body out and picked up Drago making him smile. I smiled and said "You are so cute and you are going to be spoiled."

Angelo laughed "Just like his mother his kitten."

I laughed and we went to our room were I saw a baby crib making Angelo say "I figured you would want him in our room for a the first week or so."

I looked at him and said "I love you so much love."

He kissed me and said "I love you and our baby boy now let get to bed. I want to hold you."

I laughed and rocked Drago till he was fast asleep in my arms. Once he was I laid him in his crib then crawled into bed with Angelo to lay on his chest. He held me close and whispered "Nothing will every hurt you two every."

"I know I trust you and if you don't deal with them then I will."

"God help anyone who hurts the queens family."

I shook my head yes and snuggled into him to slip fast asleep as he told mumbled something. This is everything I have ever wanted and more. I never expected my life to turn out like this but I am happy it did. However my life is just started and so is my family. We still have enemies that are coming soon to try to kill us. Also a new problem that will brew to try and break our family but nothing will break our bond not even our own blood. God help anyone who hurt the queen family.

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