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DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE THEY ALL MOVED IN. Noah and Finn were packing for their first day of school which was tomorrow. "Noah! Where is my Phone!?" Finn shouted, Noah hit the back of his head. "I'M RIGHT NEXT TO YOU ASSHOLE!" Noah screamed quietly. "Oh right sorry, but where the hell is my phone?!" Finn asked.

"I don't know idiot maybe check down stairs.." Noah chuckled, Finn set his bag down on his bed
"Before you walk downstairs put on a shirt- "shut up its fucking hot and we don't have AC yet, don't even." Finn scoffed and walked down the stairs.

"MOM WERE IS MY PHONE?!-" Finn paused and saw his mother talking to [ Y/N ], he stood there in shock then blushed out of embarrassment. "IF YOU HAD LET ME FINISH THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED ASSHOLE!" Noah shouted at Finn

"Fuck you." Finn mouthed to him, Noah threw a shirt down at Finn, he catched it and quickly put it on. [ Y/n ] blushed and looked away. "Well uh, Finn [ Y/n ], I'll leave you too to talk." Finns mother spoke. She walked away and went into the kitchen. "Hey uh, would you mind if I show you and Noah around school tomorrow?" [ Y/n ] asked,

Finn nodded and blushed a bit. "Sure you can show us around, if you want.." Finn blushed, she gave him a small smirk and scratched her neck. "Yeah, well uhm. See you tomorrow?" She muffled, he chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Y-Yeah see you tomorrow-" "SHIP!" Noah shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP NOAH!" Finn shouted as he faced Noah. He then turned around to see [ Y/n ] giggling sweetly. "You have one weird friend.." She smirked, Finn nodded. "Yeah, don't mind him. He's just really dumb." Finn chuckled awkwardly, [ Y/n ] laughed which caught Finns attention. "Well, I'll leave you two be, Bye Finn.." She smiled, "And Bye Noah!" She laughed, "YEAH BYE!" Noah shouted back as he munched on a Donut.

"Bye [ Y/n ]." Finn waved, she smiled and started to walk back to her house, Finn quickly shut the door and rushed over to Noah. "YOU IDIOT!" He shouted, Finn rolled his eyes as he slapped Noah. "OUCH! What'd I do?!" Noah asked, "You know what you did-" "BOYS GO TO BED ITS GETTING LATE! AND YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!" Mrs Schnapp shouted, "OKAY MOM!" Noah responded, the two made their way up to their rooms and went to bed. 


Mrs. Wolfhard dropped the two boys off at school, they were both eager but sad to be there. They had left their old school and old friends in another city, as you'd think, they desperately wanted to go back. [ Y/n ] and her friends were waiting by the entrance for the two, once they had got there [ Y/n ]'s friends stared at the two boys. 

"[ Y/n ], are those the boys?" Siana asked, [ Y/n ] nodded and proceeded to walk over but Siana grabbed her and pulled her back. "I mean, the tall one looks kinda weird." She whispered, [ Y/n ] hit her arm playfully and looked at her. "Don't be too quick to judge Si!" [ Y/n ] hissed, Siana looked down and scoffed.

"Fine, but he just has this weird vibe." She explained, Jan nodded. "Si's right, he does have a weird vibe." Jan muffled, [ Y/n ] looked at both of them, "Guys stop! Just be nice!" She lightly spoke, the two shrugged. "Fine, but we speak the truth." Jan spat, Siana nodded, [ Y/n ] rolled her eyes. "Come on lets go-" [ Y/n ] was cut off by Sam approaching Siana. 

"Wassup Babygirl." Sam winked at Siana leaving her speechless. Jan and [ Y/n ] rolled their eyes. "Get the fuck away from her before I hit you with another slipper Fuck boy." [ Y/n ] scoffed. "Rude, anyways-" "What are you up to Baby?" Sam asked, Jan scoffed. "Why should we tell you?" Jan asked, Sam rolled his eyes and look at Maddie. "Because I'm curious." Sam spoke, "Can I be curious as to what my boo is doing-" "Shes not your 'bOo' Don't forget your the one who cheated on her!" [ Y/n ] scoffed, Sam rolled his eyes. "That was a one time thing-" 

"Yeah you and your 'oNe tImE tHinGs' can go fuck yourself.." [ Y/n ] shoved Johnny out of the way and met up with Finn and Noah. "Hey guys, Welcome to Western Brook High!" [ Y/n ] smiled, Noah and Finn smirked. "First stop Principals Office to get your schedules!" [ Y/n ] giggled, "Thank you [ Y/n ] for showing us around." Noah spoke, "Y-Yeah thanks." Finn blushed, [ Y/n ] nodded. "Of course no problem.."


"And this is our last stop, your 5th period." [ Y/n ] smiled as she turned around. "Thanks again [ Y/n ]." Finn smiled as he hugged [ Y/n ]. "No problem," [ Y/n ] smiled, then Lucas walked up to [ Y/n ]. "Hey Beautiful." Lucas smiled as he gripped [ Y/n ]'s waist. "Not now Lucas!" She muffled, "Well your not Busy.." He smirked, a wave of Jealous flew through Finn's body. He clenched his fist and gave a death stare towards Lucas. "Finn stop!" Noah whispered, 

Finn rolled his eyes which caught Lucas' attention. "So who are these two babe?" Lucas smirked, "First of all, I'm not your 'bAbE' anymore. And second, these are the two new students." [ Y/n ] rolled her eyes. "Alright whatever." Lucas laughed, Finn lightly chuckled at [ Y/n ]'s words to Lucas. "Whats so funny?" Lucas asked annoyedly, Finn looked up at Lucas and crossed his arms. "Nothin, nothing at all." Finn grinned.

Noah rolled his eyes at Finn. "You absolute idiot." Noah whispered. Then Lucas brought [ Y/n ] closer to him and kissed her cheek, [ Y/n ] blushed brightly. Lucas glared at Finn, he had thought he had a crush on [ Y/n ]. Lucas made it clear to Finn that he didn't stand a chance with [ Y/n ] but just couldn't accept that. 

'Who the hell does he think he is?!' 

'I'll show him.'

'He doesn't know whats coming to him.'

Just to make this clear, Finn was a pretty strong dude if you made him angry enough he could beat anyone in a fight. Lucas had brought Finn to that point just by doing those simple things. Finn gave a death glare back at Lucas, Noah had noticed the tension between the two. "We'll be right back, we're gonna talk to one of our teachers." Noah smiled, [ Y/n ] nodded. Then Noah grabbed Finn and dragged him to the bathroom. "DUDE ARE YOU INSANE?!"

"What?! He just ticked me off okay!" Finn muffled, "Dude, your little 'crush' you have for [ Y/n ] isn't even a crush anymore! Its just an obsession now!" Noah screamed quietly, Finn rolled his eyes and didn't respond. "A couple of day ago you were just staring at her through the window for like hours!! Then yesterday you were watching her sunbath in her back yard! Your literally become obsess-


And scene.

☆☆ --------------------- ☆☆

Tbh, Finn is kinda creepy I mean watching [ Y/n ] Sunbath? Come on Finn.

You are totally obsessed with [ Y/n ]. 

Little does Lucas know he has a whole storm coming his way. He just doesn't know it yet.

I wonder what will happen in the next chapter.

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