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( I had an Idea for an alternate ending, Just bare with me.)


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FINN GRABBED AHOLD OF CHLOROFORM AND A SMALL TOWEL, He poured it onto the towel and grabbed [ Y/n ] from her neck as she desperately tried to crawl to the door. Gently Finn placed the towel onto [ Y/n ]'s face, covering her nose and her mouth. "Shhhh.." Finn whispered delicately, [ Y/n ] breathed it in and before he knew it she passed out. Finn grabbed her body and started to crawl out the window, he lightly lifted up [ Y/n ] and carried her to his car. 

He placed her down in the backseat and started to drive somewhere, somewhere far, far away from town. Oh and did I mention, he left a note on her bed before they left. Anyways, Finn drove about 55 minutes away from town, soon they ended up in a different city. [ Y/n ] slowly started to wake up, she couldn't recognize where she was. "We're- Am- I?" She asked, Finn stopped the car and turned around, "Finn?" She questioned, her eyes adjusted to his frail body. 

Finn crawled into the backseat, he mercifully grabbed her arms and cuffed them as well as her legs so she couldn't escape, then he placed duck tape onto her mouth to keep her quiet. She tried to scream but nothing helped, Finn kissed her on the cheek. "Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you." Finn smiled, she then noticed his blood soaked clothing. 

She was terrified, she was shaken, she was scared. Scared at the fact that today might be the day, the day she'd die. Finn pulled her into a unwilling hug and held her tightly. "Your my birthday present." Finn smirked, she started to tear up again. She didn't know how to react, she was to scared to do anything. 

But deep down in her heart, she still believed their was good in Finn, she wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe the fact that he wouldn't hurt her, but she knew that he would hurt her, either way, Finn would do anything he could to get what he wanted. He had everything hes ever wanted in front of him and he knew he was going to break her. 

He pulled away and glared at her. "I won't hurt you I promise." Finn reassured her. But she didn't believe him, "But, if you ever try to escape. You will be punished. So don't make this hard on yourself." Finn madly responded, her heart started thumping loudly, so loud that Finn could hear it. Oddly enough Finn enjoyed the sounds of her heart thumping, in his mind it meant that her heart was beating for him.

In reality it did, but not in the way Finn would take it. He crawled back into the front seat and drove off into the night.


It was late and Austin had arrived home from a long night shift. He slammed the door harshly, he was mad. He had to deal with so much people, he just needed some rest and some time to relax. "[ Y/n ], I'm home." He shouted, no response. Normally [ Y/n ] would be happy to see him, normally she would run down the stairs and greet him with a hug. He scrunched his eyebrows, slowly he made his way upstairs to [ Y/n ]'s room.

He slowly opened [ Y/n ]'s door to find her missing and her window wide open. His eyes widened, his mind jumped to one conclusion, Finn. He looked all around the room to see if [ Y/n ] was still there, but no luck. He noticed the letter on the bed and opened it.

So, you really think you can take her away from me? Your crazy, you ruined my life. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF! You deserve to die, I will come back for you. Mark my words Austin [ Y/l/n ] the day I find you, will be the end of you. [ Y/n ] is mine, and always will be mine. You can't do anything about it. Now if you excuse us we will be going. Also if you try and look for us, or if you even show the police this note, I will hunt you down and Kill you myself. 

Your Future Brother in Law.

Finn [ Y/l/n ]

Austin's eyes widened, he was shocked. He couldn't take it, he lost his mother, his father, and now his sister. He fell to his knees and started crying, he couldn't handle himself anymore. It was if he couldn't control his emotions anymore. He needed his sister, he loved his sister more than anyone else in the world. 

He got up and dialed 911. Once the cops arrived he turned in the note as evidence. He did everything he could in order to get his sister back, but nothing worked. They couldn't find any traces of [ Y/n ] or Finn, its as if they disappeared completely, Austin was devistated. He had official lost his sister. "I'm sorry Austin but.." an officer paused.

"The case has gone cold."

And scene.


Once again this is an alternate ending and

yes, its very fucked up.

and Finn needs mental help.

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