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DAYS HAD PAST AND [ Y/N ] NEVER LEFT THE HOUSE, she was too scared to leave. Siana and Jan would always come over to help [ Y/n ]. But this night, Siana and Jan stayed over for the night because tomorrow was [ Y/n ]'s big day. It was Finn's court day, the day [ Y/n ] dreaded. She wanted to be strong but there was just something in her that didn't allow her to be strong. But with the help of Siana and Jan she slowly got better.

Siana and Jan hugged [ Y/n ] tightly as she cried, "Shh, [ Y/n ] we've got you. We're always gonna be here for you. We're your best friends." Siana smiled, Jan nodded. Then the door bell rang, "I'll go get it." Jan muffled, Siana nodded and Jan walked out. "[ Y/n ] its okay to cry. Crying makes you stronger. Cry as hard as you want to. But just make sure that when you stop crying, you'll refocus on where your headed to." Siana rubbed her back.

[ Y/n ] hugged Siana once again. "Thank *Sniff* You-" "[ Y/n ] Someone is downstairs." Jan muffled, [ Y/n ] got up and walked downstairs. There she saw Finn's Mother. "Mrs Wolfhard?" She sniffed, "[ Y/n ]!" Mrs Wolfhard hugged [ Y/n ]. [ Y/n ] hugged back. "I'm sorry for everything dear, I should have done some-" "Mrs Wolfhard this is not your fault.." [ Y/n ] mumbled, Siana and Jan where looking down at them from the stairs. "I'm sorry Dear.." Mrs Wolfhard frowned. "You shouldn't be apologizing Mrs.." 

"[ Y/n ], I'm sorry you had to see my son taken away.." Mrs Wolfhard apologized. A small tear escaped from [ Y/n ]'s eye. "I-Its okay-y...." [ Y/n ] sniffed, "I'm sorry your family has to go through this." [ Y/n ] apologized. Mrs Wolfhard nodded. "Mrs, you should go home and get some rest you look very I'll.." [ Y/n ] mumbled, Mrs Wolfhard nodded and walked to the door. "Goodbye [ Y/n ]." 

"Goodbye Mrs. Wolfhard, best wishes to you and your family.." [ Y/n ] sniffed, Mrs. Wolfhard left. [ Y/n ] walked back upstairs almost tripping each step of the way. Once she got into her room she plopped down on her bed. "[ Y/n ] we should go to bed, we've got that big day tomorrow." Jan spoke. [ Y/n ] nodded, "Night guys." [ Y/n ] said. "Night.." Jan and Siana said in unison.

☆☆ --------------------- ☆☆

Today was the day, the day that [ Y/n ] would get an answer to all her questions. The whole way to the court room [ Y/n ] was shaking, she was scared. "[ Y/n ] its gonna be okay.." Siana hugged her. "Yeah, everything is gonna be okay.." Jan smiled. [ Y/n ] nodded, "Dear, everything is gonna be okay." [ Y/n ]'s parents said in unison. [ Y/n ] was teary eyed.

Once they got to the court house they took their seats and waited for the trial to begin. Everyone was there, well at least everyone important to the case. The whole time [ Y/n ] was shaking, she was nervous. Then a group of officer walked Finn to the stand, [ Y/n ]'s heart broke. It was hard for her to see Finn cuffed and confined. She almost cried just looking at him. 

Finn took a seat, he had no expression on his face. "Mr. Wolfhard, do you know why your here?" The Judge asked, "Yeah, I'm here because of the murders." Finn put his head down. The trial went on and Finn became more insane looking. "Finn Wolfhard, How do you plead?" The judge asked, [ Y/n ]'s became teary. 

"Guilty." Finn pleaded, everyone gasped. Finn slouched in his chair. Mr Miller stood up. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS! YOU DISGRACE! WHAT DID LUCAS EVER DO TO YOU-" "ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!" The judge shouted, Mr Miller sat down and started crying. 

"Your honor, I think I have a Motive for this crime." Austin spoke, "I would like to call Noah Schnapp to the stand." Austin said. Noah's eyes widened and so did Finns. Finn stared at Noah as he walked to the stand. Noah stood on the stand and raised his hand. " I swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.." Noah muffled nervously. 

"Your honor, Finn has been obsessed with [ Y/n ]. Hes always staring at her through our bedroom window. And one night he stalked her, and he stole a pictures of [ Y/n ]. He knows everything about [ Y/n ]-" "SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP!" Finn screamed as he tried to get loose from the cuffs. [ Y/n ] froze in place, she felt sick to her stomach. 

"MR WOLFHARD!" The judge shouted, "Continue Mr Schnapp." the judge said, Noah nodded. "He never like Lucas or Rebecca, he killed them because they both did something to [ Y/n ]." Noah announced. Everyone stared in shock, "Thank you Mr Schnapp.." Austin spoke. "I'm sorry Finn.." Noah said as he left the stand. 

"I would like to Call up [ Y/n ] to the stand, Your honor." Austin spoke, [ Y/n ]'s eyes widened. She got up and walked over to the stand. "[ Y/n ], I'm sorry you had to see this today. I know you trusted Finn, and I know you have questions so, ask away.." Austin backed away. 

[ Y/n ] pulled her head down, tears flowed down her face. The Judge lightly patted her on her back. She couldn't even look him in the face anymore. "How could *Sniff* you?" She asked, Finn frowned. He didn't want to see [ Y/n ] sad, he loved her. He did it out of Love.

"I'm sorry that I did this, the blood is on my hands." Finn spoke, "I did it all for you, so I felt nothing at all." Finn frowned, [ Y/n ] was the only thing that could make him crack. "Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you?" He asked, "Would you hold my hands? They're the same ones that I used... When I killed someone for you.." Finn smirked.

"But, You have to understand that the one I killed is me. Changing what I was for what you wanted me to be. I followed your direction, did everything you asked. I hope it makes you happy, 'cause there's just..." Finn paused


And Scene.





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