Chapter 9

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Win's POV

"Win! Finally clean the house for me" bright said as soon as he open his door for me

"Wh-what?" I ask confused, it's our day off today, and he ask me to go to his condo because of our deal. It's Lunch now! He wants me to go early in the morning good thing I'm a heavy sleeper so  I didn't here my phone rang hehehe

"You're my slave remember! Now clean my room" he said and went to his sofa to seat again. I sigh and enter his condo with my suitcase since I'll be living here in a week.

"Where can I put it?" I ask pointing at my suitcase.

"You can put it in my room!" He said putting his feet on the sofa.

I sigh again "you gotta tell me where your room!" I said like it's the obvious thing.

"Find it" he said and open the television on. I sigh again for the ninth times and went to look where is room at.

His condo is not that big but not small also.

His condo has a kitchen and 2 doors, I open the door that near me and open it, and Its a bathroom.

Then I proceed to open the next door near the bathroom I open earlier. And it's his room.

His room is simple, the guitar is place neatly on the side near the wall and he has a painting that hung on the wall, the color is good in the eyes too, hehe sorry, don't know what color is it. But then I look at the floor, do this guy know how to put his dirty clothes on a basket..

I put my suitcase near on the bed that can fit two people in it, I open my suitcase to get and change my clothes to make me comfortable in his house... Well I'm not gonna clean his messy room wearing my favorites clothes.

After changing clothes, I started to pick up the pieces of his clothes that scattered around his room!

They are many oh my ghad! Good for him that he doesn't run out of clothes to wear, I pick and pick and pick, "wait" I said to my self and stop my movement to open the piece of clothes I'm wearing, and when I saw it "Shiaaaa" I hiss and throw it in the basket, Arghhhh even his underwear are on the floor, ghadd this man!

"Win! Nong Win! Come here" the evil call me all of a sudden, I didn't even finish cleaning and yet he's calling my name, I'm starting to regret my decision agreeing to his bet!

I came out to the room and went where he is, he's still on the sofa watching TV

"What?" I ask annoyed, he look at me like I did wrong to him

"Are you getting angry at your master?" He ask calmly but deadly! Ehhhhh

"N-no" I said shuttering

"What's my name then?" He ask smiling playfully.

"Master" I said with a sigh

"Good, now hand me the remote, I'm lazy to pick it up" he said pointing at the remote on the top of the table that he can easily get it if he just bend slightly his body!

I pick it up and hand it to him with a force!

"You call me for this! Asshole" I said and ready to leave but he stop me.

"Wait! Get me some water" he said, like he didn't hear me curse him. I sigh and go to his kitchen where the refrigerator is located.

I got a glass and open the fridge door to get the pitcher to pore some water on the glass, when I'm done I go to where 'Master' bright is and give him the glass of water he's asking.

"Thanksss" he said and get the glass out of my hands, his hand and mine touch accidentally, now my heart his beating so fast, and I felt a spark.

I didn't answer him and turn my back ready to finish cleaning his dirty room

"Win!" He call again, I just step my foot in his room for ghad's sakes

"P'?" I ask calmly but I'm so annoyed inside

"Buy me a food from McDonalds" he said handing me the money.

"Okay I'll order it for you" I said getting my phone out from my shorts pocket.

"No! I want you to buy it to yourself" he said and smirk! This little s~ arghhhh.

I get the money from his hand harshly and go back to his room to get my car key from my wallet.

This is supposed my day off, I am supposed to lie on my bed reading my favorite comics while my mom is making me foods! Arghhh why did I agree to that fucking bet!

"What do you want me to buy?" I ask him since I don't know exactly what he wanted to eat

"You choose" he said and continue to watch a football match!

After getting his answer, I get out from his condo and went down to where I park my car.

I Just gonna drive thru, lazy to get out from the car,

After 30 minutes I came back to his condo,

"Here it is master" I said putting the bags of food on the table, he's not watching now, but his still sitting on the sofa, busy typing on his phone.

"Good my slave! Now put it in a plate and serve it to me" he said not giving me a look! Erkkk this man really, he's getting to my nerves!

I'm sure when we get together I'll be the husband that will suffer most! He's the sulky wife that want to be spoiled!

As what he told me I go to the kitchen with the foods I buy and put it in the plate.

I'm busy putting the foods on a plate when a figure went beside me

"What?" I ask bright and look at him

"I'm just thinking that" he said not finishing his sentence and he's nearing his face to mine.

"What?" I ask again

"We should practice the kiss together" 😏

A/n: oh em ghieee guyssss I didn't deserve this so much attention thankyouuu!

I'm sorry for this shitty update! It just done right now! I wanna do it earlier as I can, and this is the best I can do I'm sorry!

And I'll try to update faster as I can, maybe twice or thrice a week if my brain will function completely hehehe you see English in not my first language and its kinda hard for me to express their feelings clearly...

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