Little Mer-penny

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After the cadets thought of what story they wanted to tell.

Bea: Who wants to go first?

Penny: ME!!!!

Bea: Ok go.


Many years ago, before Big Swirl Island was Big Swirl Island. There was a tropical island named Ocean Island. Why was it called Ocean Island? It's because the island was surrounded by a lovely, mysterious ocean. Why I say mysterious? Well it's because it's just any belonged to these wonderful creatures called....mermaids.....

(Cadets: Ooooooooo.)

Yes! Mermaids! They were just like us but with fish tails. They can breathe underwater and process many kinds of magical abilities.

(Rod: Wow, who lived on Ocean Island?)

And yes, those who lived on Ocean Island were called ground/air animals. Their leader was a very tall and handsome prince.

(Rod: Who?)

(Penny: Shhhhh, we'll get to that.)

Okay so where was I? Ah yes! So the merfolks were lead by a mighty mer-king, his name was King Patrick the first. He has one daughter named Princess Penelope, or just Penny for short.

(Cadets: Woah.)

(Penny: Good. Now, enough explaining, let's get right into the story!)

One day, Princess Penny was just at the surface.

Penny(who is sitting on a rock): What a wonderful day! *flapping her glittering bubble gum pink tail*

???: Hey Penny.

Penny: *turns around* Oh hi Sammy! What's up?

Sammy is a fun-loving monkey friend of Penny who lives on Ocean Island.

Sammy(who is swinging on a tree): Nothing, just the sky. *laughs*

Penny: *looks up and sees a handsome blue bird wearing a tangerine suit. He is flying in lightning speed around the summer sun* W-who's he...

Sammy: His name is Prince Swift the SLICK! The slickest/fastest flyer of Ocean Island! No one has ever beaten him.

Penny: W-ell he s-ure is d-ashing..... *blushes*

Penny's heart beated like it never did before, her cheeks were red as roses. Her eyes shimmered like pearls.

Penny: I've never met anybody like him.....

???: PENNY!!!

It was Anyu, she has a scarlet shinning tail and cyan eyes. She is Penny's polar bear-mer friend.

Anyu: *pokes her head out the water* There you are Penny! Penny? PENNY!?!?!

Penny: Huh? Oh. Hey Anyu.

Anyu: What are you doing up here? Your father wants to see you.

Penny: Oh, I'm just hanging out with Sammy.

Sammy: Hi Anyu!

Anyu: Oh hi.

Penny: So why does my dad want to see me for?

Anyu: I don't know. You'll have to come see for yourself.

Penny: *gets in the water* Okay, bye Sammy! *dives in with Anyu*

Sammy: Bye Penny! I'll see you later.

Penny and Anyu both swam deep into the mysticals on the sea. This is where all the merfolks live. A mer-kingdom basically made of coral and magic.

Penny: *stops in front of the mer-palace* I'll go now. Bye Anyu.

Anyu: See you around. *swims off*

Penny: *enters the palace*

The palace is made of many different kinds of coral. Seashells we festively hung on the doors. King Patrick is a good, humble man. His tail color is olive green.

King Patrick(who is sitting on his throne): Penny.

Penny: Hi dad!

King Patrick: I want to ask you if you are ready for your engagement next week.

Penny: Already? But dad I-

Patrick: Honey if you're going to take over my job as ruler you must have someone by your side to rule with you.

Penny: No it's not that it's-

???: Daaarrrrlinggg!!

It's her mother Pansy, she's a very beautiful penguin with a turquoise color tail. Next to her is Penny's younger brother Petey who has the same tail color as his father but a bit lighter.

Penny: Oh hi mother...

Pansy: You look fabulous! *hugs her* I wish you the best of luck at your wedding.

Penny: *pushes her away* But mother, father...I'm in love with someone already....

Patrick and Pansy: Who who who?

Penny: Well he's a blue jay-

Patrick: A blue jay? But honey, blue jays can't breathe underwater, how are you two going to rule here?

Penny: *looks down* I don't know........

Pansy: Honey.

Penny: *swims away miserable and crying*


I don't know if Penny's mom's name was confirmed but let's just call her Pansy.

Lol, Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter. Just kidding.

Drarry for life!!!! Yay! Yass! Yes! Wooohooo!

This is a Top Wing version of The Little Mermaid.

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