Little Mer-penny part 9

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The last chapter was super random! I know. Sorry... to make up for that! I will make sure nothing weird happens in this chapter.

By the way, Penny wasn't wearing the costume anymore. (Should've mentioned that in the previous chapter) She's wearing blue jeans, a pink hoodie, black sneakers, and her hair down. This outfit would rock on her! I mean..she's sixteen in the story, she's probably almost Bea's height in the show already.

Penny: *signs and looks at her reflection in the water* Is this really me? I guess so.... *kneels down*

Why even find me at all?
Soon the Island will be gone
And it's all my fAAult

Penny stroked her flipper in the water...

Now look
Look what I've done
Now war
War has begun
Soon the baddies will have the crOWn

A tear fall in the water...

Deep down
Maybe I knew
Swift's love was too good to be true!
With my family looking for me
Some daughter I turn out to

Penny closed her eyes, she could hear a mother and child near by...

Mother: No Leo! We cannot stay or else the baddies will get you!

Leo: But mom! I love this house! *hugs mailbox*

Mother: We don't have time for this! *drags her son's arm*

Leo: *cries and kicks*

Mother: Being stubborn ain't gonna solve your problem child! It's only going to cause a big problem for everyone else when they see we aren't on the boat!

Penny opened her eyes. She realized what Leo's mother is saying is true!

Penny: I didn't realize that I was acting stubborn... *continues listening*

Leo: Aw I'm sorry mom! Now we're gonna be late because of me! *sobs*

Mother: *hugs her son* You don't need to doubt yourself. No one is perfect, we ALL make mistakes. Now, instead of sitting here crying, we should be packing our things or we WILL be late.

Leo: *lets go of her* Okay mom, but can we also take one more picture of us and our home?

Mother: Of course!

Penny: S-she's right! *wips away her tears* I was being so stubborn that I didn't realize... I doubted myself ... I'm not perfect! I never was! But that doesn't mean I can't fix my mistakes! *proudly jumps up*

Maybe the Island is far from done
They need a heroine
And I'm the one!
So it's time for them all to see!
The mermaid I was born to

Penny steps into the water..

to fix my mistakes and save the world!
to face the baddies bright and bold!

Penny smiles brightly...

No need to hide who I am!
I'm comin' Cap'n Dilly so you better

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