Little Mer-penny part 8

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Let's just say, Ocean Island has the cleanest bathrooms ever! Online classes strikes again!!!

Rod: *screaming* It's a! It's a!

Swift: *confused* A walking refrigerator?

Refrigerator: Ruff ruff!! *wags its bottom*

Rod: *gulps* A big one..

Dilly(from the water spying on them): Har har! *blasts the trees with the Trident* Get'em!

Refrigerator: *grows hands and tries to grab them*

Swift: Rod! Look out! *pushes Rod out of its reach*

Rod: RUN! *runs very fast*

Swift: *flies behind him*

Romeo: *hides behind a rock*

Refrigerator: *chases after Rod and Swift*

Dilly: *spying* HAHAHA! Is yer refrigerator running? 'Cause ye better go catch it!!! Or in this case, run from it!
Har har!

Romeo: *chases after them* Wait for me!

Rod and Swift get cornered by a wall. The refrigerator is almond them.

Rod: *yelling* W-hat do we do...

Romeo: Don't worry! I got this! *picks up a stick* Here boy! *waves the stick at it*

Refrigerator: *turns around and wags its bottom*

Romeo: *throws the stick at the water*

Refrigerator: *runs to get the stick*

Swift: Run!

They run to the bathroom and go in. It was very dark.

???: Psst.

Rod: Huh? Who is it now?

???: *whispers*'s Brody. But first, we need to whisper or the beast will find us.

Romeo: *whispers back* Like this?

Brody: Yes...

Rod: What are you doing here?

Brody: I'm hiding..Cap'n Dilly has the Trident..

Rod: *freaks out quietly* Oh no! But what is a Trident?

Brody: Ummmmm...I shouldn't really say...

Swift: Hey, I found a light switch.

Brody: really shouldn't...

Swift: How come?

Brody: No reason......

Swift: Okay? So can I turn it on?

Brody: S-ure...

Swift: *switches on the lights*

Brody: *flies into the nearest stall and shuts the door*

Rod: Where did Brody go?

Brody: I'm in the stall doing um- nothing....

Rod: Nothing? Then why don't you come out?

Brody: No....I can't.... I can't let them see my tail..

Rod: Okay I guess...

Brody: Phew!

Romeo: *low voice* Psst! Guys! The refrigerator's back!

Rod: OH NO!!!!!!! *covers his beak* I mean... *whispers* oh no....

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