Little Mer-penny part 10

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*yawns* Back!

Cap'n Dilly's ship set coast to Ocuean Island with his army. Dilly used the Trident to give the ship some wheels to go on land. Luckily, when he got there, the town was empty.

Dilly: *points the Trident at the town* Ahoy? Anybody thar? *blasts off the roofs of the houses* I spy wit' me wee eye... nobody thar? *gets mad*

???: That's because there isn't!

The pirates look behind them to see two birds; a eagle on a Road Wing and a canary on a Road bike.

Betty: It's Team Top Wing!

Dilly: *stomps to the back of the ship* Where are they?!

Speedy: Somewhere safe!

Dilly: How's a cap'n goin' t' rule a kingdom without scallywags t' boss around?!

Matilda: You got us!

Dilly: Quiet Matilda! *looks back at Speedy and Bea* Anyways! If ye goodies reckon ye could stop me, ye reckon WRONG! Army! Get them!

The furniture charged at the two birds. Speedy and Bea went opposite ways to confuse the furniture. Bea leaped the bike up the trees. Speedy had driven the Road Wing through a nearby cave.

Lap pose: Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

Dilly: Wha-

Bea: *jumps the bike on the ship*

Dilly: Get off me ship ye landlubber!

Bea: Hand over the Trident Dilly.

Dilly: Or what?!

Bea: Ummmmm...good question. *thinks about what to say*

Dilly: Whatever! Jus' get off me ship!

Bea: *gets out grabbing hook* Not a chance! *aims for the Trident*

Dilly: Ah! *uses the Trident to teleport to the sail*

Speedy: *puts the Road Wing on auto and flies up to Dilly* Boo!

Dilly: Ah! *tosses the Trident* No no no!

The pirates ran around the ship trying to catch it.

Bea: *catches it* Got it! *gets the pushed by Baddy; the Trident flew out of her wing* Speedy! Over to you!

Speedy: *about to catch it*

Betty: *flies in front of him and steals it* Haha! *holds it up high*

Speedy: Oh no you don't! *gets his wing on it*

Betty: Let go! *pulls the Trident but Speedy didn't let go*

After pulling, the Trident slipped right out of their grips. It was heading down.

Rocco: I- *catches it but it slips out due to the water on his hand* don't got it.

The Trident landed on the stirring wheel. Everyone charged over their to take it. However, Bea and Speedy were tripped.

Dilly: *pushes pass the crowd* Step aside! *takes the Trident* I got it! *uses the Trident to make an unbreakable chain*

The pirates gathered Speedy and Bea to the poll and locked them up with the chain. The pirates also locked up the Road Wing and Bike.

Dilly: *walks up to them* Tell me where th' landlubbers arrr!

Speedy: Not a chance Captain Dilly!

Dilly: *gets mad* Well if ye don't! I'll make ye walk th' plank!

Speedy and Bea: *gulps and choose not to say anything*

With Penny.. Penny was running around, trying to find Sammy.

Penny: Sammy?! Sammy!! Sammy, it's Penny!! I just wanna say I'm sorry!! *walks around a tree*

???: Penny?

Penny: *turns around* Sammy!

Sammy: What do you mean you're sorry for? I already get that you were shy and-

Penny: No, not 'that'. What I mean is that I'm sorry for running off and not stepping up earlier. *looks down* I was only thinking of myself...and it was very self-centered of me.

Sammy: Well that's okay Penny, we all make mistakes. Like the time I accidentally mixed up the sugar with the salt.

Penny: *looks up* Oh. *giggles*

Sammy: Yeah. Anyways, what are you going to do?

Penny: Well... firstly. Any ideas on how the pirates got the Trident in the first place?

Sammy: Well..I overheard Bea talking about some magical scroll Matilda was using and-

Penny: *gasps* That's it! The scroll.. that's the thing I used to turn Hooman. I took it from Brody.

Sammy: Hmmm... so maybe Brody knows more about it!

Penny: Yes! *jumps up proudly* C'mon, we don't have much time left! *grabs Sammy's arm and heads off to find Brody*


Sorry for not updating for a while, I was taking a break. Look, I know Penny's a little out of character in this, I think it's because she's older and more flawed.

! Please give me feedback on this chapter !

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