Little Mer-penny part 5

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Just want to point out that the Top Wing in Penny's story is just Speedy and Bea.

What Swift and Penny didn't know was that a female alligator was spying on them the whole time.

Matilda: I got to tell Cap'n Dilly! *swims off to a secret destination up in the surface*

Whirlpools, strong winds, and rocks ruled that place. Matilda entered and saw a pirate flag hung tall.

Matilda: Ahoy Cap'n Dil!!!

A big male alligator with a pirate hat looked down at her.

Dilly: Arg, ya back! *throws rope down for her*

Matilda: *climes up the rope and into the ship*

Dilly: Well? Got any treasure?

Matilda: No, but I got something even better!

Dilly: Like what?

Matilda: I found out that Princess Penelope is on land and-

???: On land? Impossible!

Dilly's crew who were just having tea when they heard. His crew; a male bat, a female bat, another male alligator, and a male crocodile. Their names were, Baddy, Betty, Rocco, and Chomps.

(Brody: Um Penny, could you explain it more clearly?)
(Penny: Sorry, I suck at explaining. Anyways..)

Baddy: Betty's right! How could a little mergirl be on land?

Chomps: That's like saying Rocky Road didn't kick me off his band! *folds arms*

Rocco: *whispers* I DID sabotage the stage to making him trip and-

Chomps: Shut up.

Matilda: Anyways, when I saw her today, she was saying some kind of chant and think it was some sort of spell!

Dilly: A spell you say?

Rocco: Woo, maybe we can say a chant!

Dilly: Arrg and get me-I mean us some treasure!!!

Pirates: ARRGG!!! *celebrates*

Betty: But what is the chant?

Matilda: Well I don't know but I remember she said I ka mana o nā moana a me ke kai e hoʻopā mai iaʻu i nā ale.

Just then, a wave splash her.

Matilda: *angrily* Hey! What's the big idea!

Pirates: *laughing*

Matilda: It's not funny! *but they kept on laughing* I ka mana o nā moana a me nā kai e hoʻopā ai i ka wai iā lākou!!

A wave came in and soaked the other pirates.

Pirates: HEY!!!!

Matilda: *laughs* That's what you get!!!

Rocco: How did you do that?!

Matilda: I just guessed. It was just some old mermaid language.

Dilly: Well could you try a different spell?

Matilda: Okay. I ka mana o nā moana a me nā kai e hoʻouna ai iaʻu i nā mea huna o nā mea he nui. *reaches out*

The scroll of secrets arrived and was tossed into her hand by the winds.

Matilda: *reads it* Aha! Exactly what I looking for!

Dilly: What is that matey?

Matilda: A scroll of spells we can use just by saying a chant.

Pirates: Woooo.

Dilly: Does it say anything about making treasure appear?

Matilda: *reads the whole scroll* No, but it COULD help us get it!

Baddy: So we'll be rich?

Pirates: *celebrating*

Chomps: Pirate song time!


Yo ho ho
Yo ho ho
Treasure for us
None for you
Yo ho ho
Yo ho ho
Cuz pirates rule
You drool

Matilda: That doesn't even sound good!

Baddy: Who cares? It's better than nothing.

Meanwhile, down to the mystics of the sea. King Patrick and Queen Pansy sat on their thrones signing and doing what they normally do.

Anyu: *swims in* Hey, your majesties. *bows* May Penny please come play with me?

Patrick: Oh, I thought she had already swam off with you....

Anyu: No she didn't.

Patrick: Try checking the surface, doesn't that where she normally goes?

Anyu: Okay! *swims out to the surface*

Patrick: I hope Penny isn't too upset.

Anyu: *reaches the surface* Penny? Penny?! Penny!! Penny?!?!?!?!?!?! PENNY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! IT'S ME ANYU!!!!! PENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dives back down*

Back at the palace, Queen Pansy was freaking out when she heard that Penny wasn't there. Petey tried to calm her down but it didn't work.

Patrick: I know who to call!

Petey: Ghost busters!

Patrick: No. Top Wing!

Petey: Even better!

Patrick: *takes the sea phone and dials Top Wing*

At Top Wing HQ, which is just across the castle, a male eagle and a female canary were just discussing about new highly tech vehicles until the phone rang.

Speedy(the eagle): *picks up* Top Wing here, Speedy speaking.

Patrick: Speedy, this is King Patrick of the Mystic Oceans. I lost my daughter, Penny, and I can't find her.

Speedy: Don't worry your majesty, we'll find your daughter! *hangs up*

Sorry if it took so long! I guess I was to busy thinking of Rod's story but here's part 5. I hope Rod's story isn't too retarded!

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