Little Mer-penny part 11

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I really should try naming the parts. Eh, I'll do that in Rod's story. By the way, in this chapter, it shows the origin of the scroll and how mermaids were created. It also reveals something big about Brody.

Penny and Sammy reached the beach faster than a hurricane. Penny walked into the water.

Sammy: So basically how are you gonna find him?

Penny: *smiles* Easy! 'Yippee yurp yop yip heal'

Within a second. All the mer-people rosed up to the surface.

Sammy: Woah! How'd do that? *too amazed*

Penny: *giggles* It's the mermaid's special way of calling each other. But only if you're in the water.

The mer-people gasped. It was their princess! But she has legs! How could that be?! But they still bowed anyways.

Penny: Is... Brody here?

Brody: *swims over to her* Here.. my princess.. *though super confused*

Penny: Could we talk privately?

Brody: Sure? *follows her behind some rocks*

Penny: So Brody. Listen, I've sorta got myself in a situation.. It could seem like I'm crazy if I tell you.

Brody: Like, you having legs, and disappearing. Captain Dilly stealing the Trident, and now all of us will be destroyed very soon?! How more crazy can that be?! *like he was insane*

Penny: *nervously laughs* Yeah.. and I sort of used that scroll thing you had and-

Brody: You used the scroll?!?!?!?!???!!! *like he was about to faint*

Penny: *mutters* So much for mr chill dude. And I thought Rod was dramatic.

Brody took a moment or two to get back working. Then, he finally spoke.

Brody: T-hat scroll is cursed! *freaks out again* Wait?! What did I say?!

Penny: What?! *as soon as he said the words* What do you mean cursed?! *a little scared but dying to know the full detail*

Brody: Just- forget what I told you. *looking very worried*

Penny: Why?!

Brody: I-I said too much..

Penny: Brody..why won't you tell me?

Brody: The more you know.... *looks the other way*

Penny: Brody! Stop acting so chicken and just tell me! Please.. *reminding herself manners*

Brody: Fine. But you swear to the gods that you won't tell anyone? *looking at her with a serious face*

Penny: I swear to the gods I won't. Is this really that serious?

Brody: *takes a deep breath* Okay...

Before he said anything, he looked around him. No one was there. The mer-people were in a distance. This made Penny wonder more and more about Brody.

Penny: Well?

Brody: *takes another deep breath* So basically.. I am a descendant/legacy of Neptune.

Penny: *eyes widen* Oh my...

Brody: I know right.. suprising that the dude you were engaged to was related to our God. *insecurely*

Penny: I- yes.. Go on? The scroll?

Brody: *signs* Right....

______ Brody's (Penny's story) narration:

Long ago... my great great great great great grandfather Neptune sneezed. From that sneeze, it caused Hoomans from the town near by to turn into mermaids and mermen in a year.

This gift brought the mer-people intelligence and wisdom just by getting a fish tail.

More and more people wanted the wisdom so they begged Neptune to turn them into mermaids. Neptune agreed and they turned into intelligent mermaids after a year.

When the goddess of wisdom, Minerva found out.. she was furious about the way the mortals were getting their wisdom. As a punishment, she wrote down in a piece of paper a bunch of instant spells.

She cursed it and sent it to the local people telling them that the spells on the paper would turn them into mermaids instantly. The people were beyond excited and said the spells. They even did some other spells on it.

However, as time passed by, people started to disappear. The more the spells were used, the more people disappeared.

The people were complaining to Jupiter (king of gods), about the people disappearing. Jupiter begged Minerva to take back the paper. Minerva told him in one condition; which was Neptune had to stop turning people into intelligent mermaids.

Jupiter talked with Neptune about this. After hearing it, he was furious. This lead to him and Minerva fighting. Jupiter broke them up.

Neptune had no choice but to remove the intellectual gift from the mer-people. He began rejected requests which made Minerva happy to have them get wisdom the regular way. Neptune took the cursed paper and wrote a warning at the back before rolling it up, and giving it to his demigod son Wai to guard it.

From that day forward, the scroll remained untouched by anyone!

______End of Brody's narration

Penny: *speechless* Wow.. but.. how did you get it if-

Brody: I was chosen as the next guardian of the scroll. I didn't want to do it..

Penny: Oh...

Brody: I wasn't even supposed to use it! But I fell for a cute boy on land and I had to do it... Sorry Princess...

Penny: It's okay and same.

Brody: What?

Penny: I also fell in love with someone so I used the scroll. I guess we are both in the same situation.

Brody: *chuckles* Oops.

Penny: Now that you told me.. Matilda has the scroll..

Brody: *gasps* Oh no! What if something bad happens!

Penny: We got to get it back!

Like it? The reason why I choose intelligence as the gift because I know that Neptune and Minerva (Greek: Poseidon and Athena) were rivals in Pjo.

Please give me feedback. Okay?

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