Little Mer-penny part 12

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After Penny and Brody's conversation was over. Penny left Brody in charge of the mer-people. She and Sammy then went off to fight Cap'n Dilly.

Sammy(skipping along the trail): So what's the plan?

Penny: I messaged Swift on my.. um.. waffle?

Sammy: You mean Watch?

Penny: Yeah.. that.. anyways, I told him to meet us here in the jungle. We're gonna go in, and take Dilly by surprise!

Sammy: But how are we going to get the Trident and Scroll away from him without getting taking as prisoners?

Penny: Don't worry.. I got that covered. *winks* Oh look! They're here. *spotting a young blue jay and two roosters running up to them*

Swift: Penny, we came as fast as we could.

Rod: The pirates captured Bea and Speedy.

Sammy: So what the plan Penny?

Penny: The plan is-

Meanwhile with the pirates. Dilly made his crew torture Speedy and Bea with off-key music until they tell him where the people are.

Bea: No we will not tell you!

Matilda: *stops drumming and covers her ears* Can't you just use your Trident thing to locate the people?!

Dilly: Wha'? Sorry I can nah hear ye Matilda!! *which was an obvious lie*

Swift flew above the pirate ship. The pirates automatically stopped playing their instruments and looked at him.

Swift: Play time's over Captain Dilly! Give the Trident back and my friends!

Dilly: No, silly prince! Army, attack!

The furniture that had wings dashed up to get him. Swift circled around them in sound fast speed, making them dizzy.

Bea: Go Swift! Woo!

While all the pirates were distracted. Penny appeared next to them with the teleportation ray from the castle.

Speedy: Princess-

Penny: Shhhhh! *whispers* No time to explain. *uses the ray to teleport the chain somewhere else*

Bea: *whispers back* They took our vehicles by the way.

Penny: *whispers* Don't worry, Rod has that covered. Let's get off of this ship. *teleports out with Speedy and Bea*

Matilda: *looks behind her* Hey! They're gone!

Dilly: What?!

Swift: *swoops in and grabs the scroll from Matilda's hand* Finders keepers!

Matilda: Hey! Give that back!

Dilly: Whatever, we 'ave th' Trident. I 'ave an idea! I should use th' Trident t' find me new subjects!

Matilda: That's why I said!

Dilly: No, I didn' hear ye! Whatever! Trident, show me th' scallywags.

The Trident shot out a beam of light pointing to the sea.

Dilly: Har! They be out in th' sea! I've should've known!

Matilda: But you didn't! *making the crew laugh*

Dilly: Whatever. *makes his way to the steering*

~●○•~ (Time out)

Penny noticed Swift's face expression. He looked like he was about to cry.

Penny: Swift? Are you okay?

Swift: I'm not sure...

Bea: What's wrong buddy?

Swift: I- *he signs*

Bea: Want to go in my tent and talk about it?

Swift: *he nods and they go in to the tent*

Bea: *she closes the tent's entrance* So..... want's the matter?

Swift: I-i've been getting flashbacks of my parents and sister... *in a trembling voice*

Bea: Oh...

Swift felt like crying... but no! He couldn't let anyone see him cry.

Swift: I don't think I could do this... I-

He paused for a moment. It felt the more he thought about it, the more he was close to tears.

Swift: Let's go back...

Bea: But- um okay? You don't wanna-

Swift: No. *He unzipped the tent and left*

Bea: *She signs and follows him* Hmmm...

Penny, Speedy, Brody, and Rod were singing campfire songs. Speedy stopped playing guitar when he saw Bea and Swift.

Speedy: *He smiles* Hey you're back!

Bea: Yep! We are. *She turns towards Swift*

Swift: *He gives her a thumbs up and looks at Penny* You could continue your story now.

Penny: *She smiles* So where was I again?

Rod: You were at the part with Cap'n Dilly.

Penny: Oh yeah! *She clears her throat* So...


The Pirate Ship had set out to the Sea. Penny and her friends were determined to get back the Trident.

Swift: *gives Penny the scroll*

Penny: *smiles* Perfect!

Rod had driven the Road Wing over, with the Road bike on the Side Cart.


Cliffhanger? Yes! Sorry for not updating in a while.. I just needed a break and I'm back better than ever! So I kind of want to get a start on a new story (still Top Wing) so yeah.

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