Little Mer-penny part 3

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I don't know what to call the land animals in this but let's just call them hoomans. By the way, Penny CAN talk in the story, but as hooman she lost her fast swimming ability.
As everyone went back home to stay for the storm. Penny caught Brody still at the beach.

Rod: Bye Brody! *gives him a goodbye kiss and leaves back home*

Brody: See you around! *starts to walk into the waters*

Penny(who is behind the rock): Just how are you on land?

Brody: I ka mana o nā koholā e hāwau i koʻu mau pua a me koʻu huʻu!!

There was a sudden glow when he chanted that. Penny gasped and swam under to see what was going on. The glow slowly faded away and Brody's legs turned to a lime green fish tail. Penny could not believe it!!

Penny: *to herself* So that's how he was on land.

Brody. *swims away*

Penny: Hey wait! *swims after him*

Brody stopped and looked left and right then he takes a scroll he had and puts in a treasure chest.

Brody: 'Til next time... *swims off*

Penny: Huh?!? *swims over and takes the scroll from the treasure chest* What is this? *reads outloud*

            Transformation 101

Mermaid ----> Hooman

Rub seaweed on your tail

Spin around 3 times

Chant these words:

I ka mana o nā moana a me ke kai e hoʻouna mai ai i koʻu mau wāwae e hele ai ma ka ʻāina


Penny: *squeals* YES! I'M SO EXCITED THAT I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!!!!!! *drops the scroll* Okay okay.... *takes seaweed and ribs it on her tail* Is it even working? Oh yeah! *spins around three times* I ka mana o nā moana a me ke kai e hoʻouna mai ai i koʻu mau wāwae e hele ai ma ka ʻāina!!!!

Just then.. a glow surrounded her and she could feel tinkling on her tail. The glow slowly faded away and what smelt like fresh air entered. She was there, lying on the beach. She is now wearing a pink striped dress.

Penny: *growns* Ugh...what happened... *runs her eyes* Huh? *stares at her new feet* T-he spell! I work! Wooohooo! *jumps up and lands on her bum* Okay okay...I should learn to walk...

???: Penny is that you?

Penny: Huh? Sammy? Where are you?

Sammy: *jumps in front of her* Here!

Penny: *giggles* Hi again Sammy, yes it's me Penny.

Sammy: Wow Penny! How did you manage to get legs?

Penny: Long story, but anyway, how do you walk?

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