Little Mer-penny part 7

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°~° ●《● the castle..Swift and the others had just left. Penny had on a princess pink short dress and a pair of two shinny pink shoes (like the ones above). She also had on a hat with feathers and sunglasses.

Penny(is outside): *walks to a bench and sits down* one saw me.. Phew!

???: Hi Penny! *which startled her*

Penny: Who's there?

Sammy swings in front of her.

Sammy: Only me!!!

Penny: Oh.. hey Sammy. How did you know it was me?

Sammy: Lucky guess. *laughs* Anyways, did my ship sail?

Penny: No.....not yet. And if you're going ask about the clothing- *blows a droopy feather on her hat*

Sammy: Wasn't planning to but okay.

Penny:'s because my family is looking for me and they got Top Wing involved...and I don't want them to know about this whole transformation thing.

Sammy: So how is dressing up like Lady Gaga is going to solve anything?

Penny: *shrugs* I honestly don't know. But anyways, want to see my new room?

Sammy: Sure!

They go in the castle. With the king. King Patrick was swimming to the statue of Neptune.

Patrick: *swims to the bottom of the statue* The Trident is somewhere behind these walls. If I can remember... *looks at the wall and pushes a brick in*

The walls moves over and bubbles appear.

Patrick: *after the bubbles stop* The Trident!!! *takes and swims up to the surface; the wall closes*

At the surface, the weed was growing from a small piece of land.

Patrick: Say goodbye weed! *about to blast the weed when he heard a pirate laugh*

The pirate ship set for his direction..

(Brody: What do you mean?)

(Penny: -_- The pirate ship going to him.)

Dilly(standing on the front of the ship): Har har! Well ain't it King Patrick?

Patrick: What do you want Cap'n Dilly? *in a annoyed tone*

Dilly: I want t' rule th' seven seas!!!!

Matilda: *whispers* But isn't your original motive to take all the treasure!

Dilly: *whispers back* Who cares? I want t' be king now!

Patrick: *laughs* You're so funny dude. You really think I would give you my power?

Dilly: Oh aye ye will! *snaps fingers*

Crickets are chirping. The crew looked confused.

Matilda: *whispers to Rocco and Chomps* You big squiffy idiots! That was your cure to get the queen and prince! *slaps face*

Rocco and Chomps immediately rushed to the bottom of the ship. They came back with Pansy and Petey. They had their wings tied up, beaks covered with duck tape, and tails stuck to fishing nets.

Patrick: *sees them and gasped* LET MY FAMILY GO YOU SLIMEY SEADOGS!!!!!!!! *furiously and about to blast their ship to a shipwreck*

Dilly: Give me th' power first! *snaps fingers*

Matilda: *comes over with the scroll* We could try it th' easy way, or th' HARD way! *holds up the scroll as the words on it glow*

Patrick: *looks at Pansy and Petey who were struggling* I'll give it to you, but only of you agree to free my family...

Dilly: Deal!

Pansy: *shakes her head and makes muffling sounds*

Patrick: *signs* In a count of three, you throw me my family and I throw you the Trident.

Dilly: *cackles* Good! One...

Patrick: .....two.....

Dilly: Three!

Patrick: *tosses the Trident to Dilly*

Dilly: *gets hold of it* FINALLY! TIS MINE! *cackles*

Patrick: Give me my family back like you promised!

Dilly: Har har! Ehem. Let them go me lads! A deal be a deal.

Rocco and Chomps tossed the queen and prince to the sea. King Patrick quickly swam after them. He successfully caught them and freed them.

Pansy: Thank you dear! *kisses him*

Petey: Dad! *swims to him and hugs him* Good to see you.

Patrick: Good to see you too, son.

They hear Dilly cackling up at the surface.

Pansy: What are we going to do? They have the Trident..

Patrick: We'll just have to get it back. But first, we need to find our people. the Search Party. Rod was run along the trail near the river. Swift was flying above him.

Rod: See her yet?

Swift: *is looking* No.

Suddenly, Rod's phone began to ring. Rod stopped and took the call.

Rod: *clicks the button* Hey Romeo.

Romeo: Rod! Come quick! I found something! And bring Swift with you.

Rod: Alright! But where are you?

Romeo: At the north end of the beach, near the water.

Rod: We'll be right there. *ends the call*
C'mon Swift *runs off to the location*

Swift: *follows him there*

When they arrived at the location, they could see a lot of the people at the beach screaming and running away.

Rod: This is the place...

Romeo: Rod! Swift! *runs to them*

Swift: What did you find?

Romeo: *moves the tree leaves out of the way*

Swift and Rod: *gasped*


The Cinderella reference was that Penny dresses up into something no one could recognize (except for Sammy).

Sorry for the late update. Also comment down below what you think Rod and Swift saw that Romeo found. Could it be a GIANT POPCORN MONSTER? ●♡● Lol.

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