Little Mer-penny part 4

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Swift's castle isn't just any castle, it's a highly tech castle. When they arrived, a camera zapped them, and they teleported inside.

Penny: Woah, it's your castle is so, soooooo...

Swift: Slick? Yes it is.

???: Hey you're back!

A young rooster, who looked like Rod but a little younger, came up to them.

Rod: Hey Romeo! *hugs his brother*

Romeo: Well? Did you find this mysterious girl of yours?

Swift: I don't know, but we DID bring back a new friend. Penny this is Rod's brother Romeo, Romeo this is Penny.

Romeo: Nice to meet you. *gives her a handshake* I'm fourteen.

Penny: You too, and cool!

Romeo: How old are you Penny?

Penny: Older than you. *giggles*

Romeo: *chuckles* I don't think I've seen you around here, where are you from?

Penny: Um..well.. I don't really want to answer that?

Romeo: Why not?

Penny: Gosh! He is reminding me of my brother Petey. Ugh, now I starting to miss my home.... Well it's becaus-

Swift: Hey Penny, your room is ready.

Penny: Thank you so much for the save my prince! Oh okay, see you later Romeo. *gets teleported to her room*

Romeo: Bye I guess?

The room Penny's staying in was by far gigantic! It decorated all over with shades of pink.

Penny: Woah! So cool! *jumps on to her bed* It even has a slide! This is better than my underwater bedroom! Though, I still really miss it....

~●○•~ (Snack break)

Just now, Speedy arrives with the food.

Speedy: *flies over to the campfire* Hey cadets.

Cadets: Hey Speedy.

Bea: Hello. You bought the food right?

Speedy: Yep. Marshmallows.

Penny: Yay! All this story telling is making me hungry. *takes a stick with a marshmallow*

Bea: Penny was just telling us a fairytale. *drinks hot chocolate*

Speedy: Oh that's very nice.

Rod: Can I go next Bea?

Bea: Sure Rod.

Penny: Okay, back to the story...


Early in the morning...Penny was strolling outside. She had FINALLY learned how to walk after so many attempts and falling on her knees.

Penny: Good, I can finally walk. *walks over to the beach* I wonder how this whole transformation thing work. Hmmm...maybe I should test it out... I ka mana o nā moana a me ke kai e hoʻopā mai iaʻu i nā ale?

A huge sudden wave washed up Penny into the water.

Penny: Oh no! I must have said it wrong!

She tried to swim but failed. It was very odd. She knew how to swim, ofcourse she was swimming since she hatched! She knew she was going to drown, but that's okay, she could hold her breath for long periods of time. But not forever!

Penny: *drowning* Oh no! Why can't I swim? Figure that out later. HELP!!!!!!! ANYONE?!? PLEASE!!! HELP ME-!!!

???: Penny?!?

Penny: Swift!!

Swift: *flying above her* What happened?

Penny: N-o time to explain-HELP!

Swift: *grabs her wing and pulls her out of the water*

Penny: Thanks..Swift.. *blushes*

Swift: No problem.. *flies to land*

Penny: What is wrong with me? Why can't I swim?

Swift: If she couldn't swim..that means she can't be the girl.. *signs sadly*

Penny: You okay Swift?

Swift: Not quite...

Penny: What's wrong?

Swift: Nothing much..just.. *signs* There is this girl I fell in love with that I know for sure exists. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Penny: *jealous* Why is she so special?

Swift: Because...she saved me...i-it was yesterday, during a storm, just when I was about to fall into the water, I saw this girl swimming after me. My vision was blurry so I couldn't really see exactly what happened...but I was on land when I saw her up close..she was soo pretty I couldn't take my eyes off her...she had this super cute voice which I can't get out of my head...

Penny then realized that he was talking about HER. Ohhhh! But how is she going to tell him? He'll never believe her now considering him seeing the way she swam!

Penny: Do you remember her face? Please say yes! Please say yes!

Swift: Not really, it was too bright and like I said, my vision was a bit blurry.

Ugh! How will he find out it was her all along? This just so complicated!!!

Okay, so Romeo is apart of the ship if you didn't figure it out. I kinda ship Romeo×Petey so some reason. I don't know why. But also Brenda(Brody's sister)×Petey, or Romeo×Brenda. But only Romeo×Petey will be in Penny's story. If Swift gets a sibling I am probably going to ship her/him with Romeo, Brenda, or Petey. I know in some fandoms his sister is named Daisy. It wasn't confirmed yet still I don't know. It also said Rod had another sibling named Zoe but we didn't get to see her, only Romeo.

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