Little Mer-penny part 6

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This chapter is a bit long. Also there will be another Cinderella reference in Penny's story. See if you can find it.
The first one was in part two when she went to a ball and met the prince.
Back at the castle. Penny was in her highly tech bedroom watching Pj Masks TV.

Penny: *giggles* This is soooooo funny! *turns the TV off as the show ended* Now...what to do? *puts down the remote* Hmmm...maybe I should go see what Swift's doing. *she skips over to the door*

She gets teleported downstairs. She stood in one end of the hallway.

Penny: Hey Swi- *sees Swift in the other end of the hallway with Top Wing*

Swift: Wait, so lemme get this straight. The Ocean King's daughter is a fish? *a bit confused*

Speedy: Something like that..

Bea: A mermaid actually.

Swift: and my friends will happily help you on this search party.

Bea: Great! We'll probably need all the help we can get on this search.

Penny gasped and hid behind a poll on the other side of the hall.

Penny: My family's looking for me! They must be so worried.. *slaps face* I shouldn't have done this.. *sits down*

Meanwhile..with the baddie pirates..

Dilly(sailing the ship): Avast here Matilda!

Matilda: *throws the anchor down and the ship stopped*

Dilly: Arrrrrgg! This is where the silly mermaids arrr. *referring that if you swim down the spot where the ship is, you will be in the mer-palace* Do the magic Matilda!

Matilda: Aye aye! *reads the scroll*
I ka mana o nā moana a me nā kai he nui lāʻau ʻōpiopio nui ma luna o ke aupuni abmaid!!!!

Down in the mer-palace, Prince Petey was trying to cheer his crying mother up.

Petey: It's okay mom, Top Wing will find her.

Pansy: *sobs* Just hope so..

They hear screaming from the kingdom.

Patrick: *swims to the gate* Now what is happening-

A giant green weed wrapped around the coral houses. Mermaids and Mermen were more frightened than ever.

Patrick: Why is there some weed in my kingdom?!?!?! *angrily*

Pansy: Oh my Neptune!! *when she sees this*

The weed started getting to the palace.

Petey: Back off you dumb weed! This is MY family!!

The weed started wrapping around the palace.

Patrick: I think it's a good idea we leave!!!

Pansy: Leave my home?!?! *sobs*

Petey: I think we should mom, or else we'll be plant food! *drags her out with Patrick*

Dilly(looking into the water with his spyglass): Arrrg! Aye! Well done Matilda!!

Pirates: YAY!

Dilly: Stage one complete! Stage two?!

Rocco and Chomps push the cannon in front of the ship. They waited until the mer-people came up to the surface.

Dilly: FIRE!

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