Little Mer-penny part 2

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Just want to say, in Penny's campfire story, the characters aren't their real ages. They are all 10 years older. Like Rod is eleven, add 10 years and he is twenty one in the story. That is still young!!! (The story is told in the past by the way) If it sounds too confusing then comment here and I'll explain in a full paragraph. Anyways, enjoy.
Penny was in her room sobbing thinking she and Swift will never be together. Just then, a glass bottle with a note inside it came into vision.

Penny: Huh? *swims out the window and grabs it* What is this? *reads the note inside*

My dear friend Penny,

     Ocean Island is having a gala! There will be a lot of food, dancing, and ofcourse partying! You got to come. I don't want you missing out on the fun. Also Prince Swift will be there.

                 Your friend,

Penny was beyond excited that she got to see Swift again. She dashed right into her magical wardrobe. After choosing an outfit, she came out. Her silky pastel purple top matched her fins, she wore pearls all over her hair, top, and fin.

Penny: *excitedly* I'm ready! *swims to the surface*

When she got to the surface, she saw Sammy.

Penny: Hello again Sammy!

Sammy: Hey, follow me, the party is this way. *leads her to the gala at the beach*

Penny: Okay! *follows him there*

Sammy: Here we are!

There at the gala, everyone was dancing and singing to Rocky Road's songs, and flocking around the snack table like moths to a lamp.

Rhonda Road: Step right up for some Rocky Road smoothies!!!!

Sammy: I'll take two Rocky Road  smoothies please.

Rhonda Road: Here you go. *gives him two tall glasses of Rocky Road smoothies*

Sammy: *gives one to Penny*

Penny: Thank you!!!! *drinks it* Mmmm, it's better than the kelp smoothies I get.

Sammy: Yeah because this isn't just any old smoothie. This is a Rocky Road smoothie! *drinks it*

Penny: Rocky Road?

Just then, a young rooster jumped up from the gates. He was wearing a black (vegan) leather jacket with lots of zippers, and sunglasses.

Everyone: ROCKY ROAD!!!!

???: ROD!!!!

A young puffin wearing a green cap called him, he jumped out and tackled him to the ground with a hug and kiss.

Rod: BRODY!!! *happily*

Penny: *to herself* Wait a minute... Brody? *she looked closely and gasped* That's the guy I'm supposed to marry, but how is he on land?

Her attention on him broke when a spotlight shined over to the sky. To Penny's vision: what looks like a cute darring bird wearing the same tangerine suit she saw earlier. He flew around in lightning fast speed around the clouds.

Rod: Yay Swift!!!!

Swift: What's up everyone? Ready to get this party started?

Everyone: *cheers*

Penny: *blushes* OMG he's so cool!

Sammy: Well? What are you waiting for? Go to him.

Penny: But I'm shy! What if he doesn't like fishes? *frowns*

Sammy: But you don't even know him yet!

Penny: But YOU do know I'm shy!!! *swims over to a rock and puts her head down*

Sammy: *jumps to the rock* Yeah...I'm sorry Penny..

Penny: *signs* It's okay..

Sammy: Do you want me to talk to him for you?

Penny: No it's fine, I'll talk to him.

Sammy: Okay then, do it!

Penny: I will. Just..not now.

Sammy: Okay.

Suddenly the happiness of sunset and all that jazz turned to fear and storms. Winds picked up and everyone was complaining.

Rod: Be careful Swift!!!

Swift: Don't worry, a little wind doesn't scare me-

CRASH!!! - Went the lightning.

Swift was then knocked out from the lightning and is now tumbling in the air.

Everyone: *gasped* OH NO!!!!

Sammy: He's going to fall in the ocean!!!

Penny: *boldly* Not if I can help it! *swims after him as fast as she can*

As she reached Prince Swift, she leaped out of the water, knocked him into land, and landed right beside him.

Swift(very dizzy): H-huh?

Penny: Oh Swift! How I wish we could be together! *sadly goes up to him*

Swift(his vision gets better): Y-our b-eautiful...

Penny turned scarlet, she couldn't believe what she had just heard. But it was real!!

Penny: I love prince....

Just then, she heard voices coming, she knew it was her time to dive back into the waters.

Rod: Swift! *runs up to him* Are you alright?

Swift: *rubs his eyes* Yes I am alright, I just saw the most amazing girl ever! Wait...where did she go?!?

Penny(hiding behind a rock far from where they are): I'm right here my prince....if only you knew...*touches her fin*

Rocky Road is Rod by the way. The people in Rod's band are Rhonda, she's a snack seller and dancer, and Oscar, he plays seven instruments.

So yes, there will be boy×boy in Penny's story. Let's just say she ships Rod×Brody. I also added another boy×boy ship in this which will be later on. So keep reading to find out!
(Wink wink) He could be more close to Rod then you think!

Remember, the characters are 10 years older in Penny's story!!!

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