☀️~Quality Time~☀️

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(Mackenzie's POV)

Darry had me in his lap and we were in his chair. The boys eyed us and snickered. We just ignored them and turned on the tv. It was steamboat Willie. Mickey Mouse always seems to be on in this house.

The boys were both starting to fall asleep by the end of it. They both got up and went to their room. Darry pulled me closer and I placed my head on his shoulder. He changed the channel to a horror movie and I saw him smirking.

After we were watching the movie for a bit, there was a jump scare and I clung to Darry.
"It's okay sunshine it's just a movie." He wrapped his arms around me. It made me feel safe and happy. I moved on of my hands to his hair and started playing with it.

After a few more scares and hugs from Darry, the movie ended and he picked me up. He brought us to the kitchen and got out cake mix. We both just smiled and nodded.

He got out a bowl and a whisk and poured in the mix. Then we added eggs, milk, and everything else we would need. We decided to be different and put sprinkles in it. I started mixing the batter and Darry got us both waters from the fridge.

I was mixing when he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek and kept mixing. He put his hands over mine and stole the whisk. I giggled and he chuckled. We put it in the pan and into the oven.

We headed back over to the couch and I laid my head on his lap and he played with my hair.
"Dar?" He was watching me almost as if he were in a trace. I loved the way he looked at me. It made me feel warm and loved.
"Yeah sunshine?" I got up off the couch and went to his radio. I changed the channel until our song came on.

I offered my hand to him and he stood up taking it. He did a little spin with me before pulling me close. He rested his head in the crook of my neck. We just swayed and sang softly until the song ended.

"I love you sunshine." He whispered.
"I love you more." I whispered back.
"Never, I love you more." He tickled my side softly.
"No, I love you the mostest!" We both giggled and he watched me again.

The timer went off on the oven and we went to go get the cake. He took it out of the oven and we let it cool before putting on the frosting. I took my finger and dipped into it putting some on his nose.

He let out a little gasp and did the same but put it on my lips. "Looks like I got something on ya. Here lemme help you." He lifted my chin and kissed me. Now we both had chocolate frosting all over our faces. I giggled while he got a napkin and cleaned up my face before tending to his own.

We went to sit on the couch again. We talked and he put his arm around me. I laid my head on him and threw my legs over his. We talked about both our pasts. It was emotional but I was happy I was sharing it with him. I started to drift into a sleep and he noticed because he chuckled and picked me up. He brought me to his room and laid me in his bed.

He left the room and shut off the lights. He came back and I felt him wrap an arm around me and I smiled softly before everything went black.

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