23 | fuck

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Within a matter of minutes, I started feeling lightheaded. It was like someone literally took my mind and ran with it. Hollowed out and left with my feelings to keep me sane, I was certain that I was undoubtedly drugged. I attempted to look for Jinsoul and ask her what it was that she made me take but failed miserably— my eyes were fooling me as well. I started seeing double within seconds after that.

I stumbled my way through the thickness of the crowd, the lights blinding me as I become snuffed out. My chest grew tight as I struggled to part from everyone around me, it was like pin ball. I was then being thrown around by oblivious dancers, side to side, I swayed. I started hyperventilating as oxygen couldn't come fast enough.

I need space.

I needed to get away from all these people, from the flashy lights.

"Fuck, get out of my way!" I shouted before bulldozing myself out of the dance floor. I fumbled through the sidewalk as I ran to fresh air. In the process of doing so, my feet ended up tripping over one another and I face planted into the grass.

After having the wind knocked out of me, I ended up laying there as the starry night seduced me. I was entranced by it's beauty and hypnotized into staring off into the sky. I've never seen the sky this beautiful— the stars were ethereal, like nothing I've ever seen before. They looked nothing of this existence.

With an empty mind, I felt nothing as I saw Jungkook's face appear before me. He hovers above, examining my current state. "Yah, what the hell are you doing barricading the sidewalk?!"

"Move you drunkard!" I punch him in the nose.

Jungkook stumbles backwards and it was clear that he, too, was under the influence. But whether or not it was on alcohol or something else— I did not know. He then comes back and pulls me to my feet, hardly able to keep me standing upright since all I wanted to do was lay on the ground. After struggling with me enough, Jungkook found it easier to just carry me in his arms.

"Let go!" I dip my head backwards to look at the stars once more. I wish I knew what my fascination with them were at the time.

Jungkook became intrigued as well and decided to stare up at the sky with me. The dumbass, in his obvious drunken state, starts to fumble backwards. With my heavy weight in his arms, Jungkook then leans forward a little too fast and trips on his own feet.

The both of us ended up eating grass together.

I let out an agitated groan as I caress the bottom of my back which would most certainly become sore the next morning. "I fucking hate your dumbass," I remind him. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

Jungkook ignores me and rolls over, taking me with one arm and standing straight. "Come on, I'll take you to your room."

I don't deny his offer since I'd much rather be anywheres but here. We both walk together, using one another to keep us upright. As we reach the lobby Jungkook turns to me. "Where's your room again?"

I shake my head. "Fuck, I don't know?"

He doesn't seem to care and we keep walking. We enter the elevator and spend a little too long trying to press the right button. Jungkook then decides that pressing the max was a good idea. We ended up staying in the elevator for minutes upon minutes with Jungkook trying to decide whether or not it was the right floor as the doors opened up— he was judging it on sight, forgetting that every floor had the same or similar layout.

I had gotten tired of his foolishness and walked off. He trailed behind me as we ending up entering some random room that a housekeeper lady left open.

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