15 | six years ago

981 59 12

The event went well over midnight and I still had to stay after to do my duties of sending the guests off with Taehyung. With all our thanks and appreciation talk with each and every guest, it ran us over an hour to do just that. Then Taehyung had to talk over with his team about the shipment of all the art that was auctioned off today that couldn't be brought home immediately. While he did that, I oversaw the clean-up team.

Davi's head spun more than I did as he ran back and forth trying to get everything together. "Please, be careful thats imported from Italy!" He squeals before running after them.

"Davi Davi Davi," I shake my head as I grin. He gets like this every time.

I maintain my calm composure as I instruct the workers on their final tasks of the night. After I finished playing my role, I left the main hall to retrieve the rest of my belongings in one of the spare rooms.

Strangely enough, the corridor was dimly lit with the exception of the exit sign. I found it suspicious that the lights were off in one of the most important sections of the museum. Taehyung's office was down this hall as well.

I proceed with caution as my anxiety starts to rile up the further I get. I become engulfed in the darkness and all of the familiar sounds start to fade the further I get. I was only about twenty feet in and I had a long ways to go before I could reach the room.

"Should I go back and ask someone to come with me?" I ask myself aloud.

I wasn't a kid anymore.

This is foolish.

I storm up to the room and turn the knob. It was unlocked? Why would it be unlocked I literally double checked before leaving, even Davi assured me that my belongings would be safe in here. My first assumption was that there was a thief, and if they weren't gone now, they were still in there.

I kick the door open and ball my fists, ready to pounce at whoever would come at me. After no one appears, I don't know where I got the courage to go right in. I turn on the lights and examine the half-empty room.

Everything seemed to be intact and no one was inside. My purse sat right on top of the coffee table.

I made a bee-line for it.

"Davi, you're seriously going to hear about this-"

The door slams shut and the lock clicks.

Just my luck, I suppose.

I turn around and I'm not at all surprised by who I find parched against the door.

"What are you doing in here? This section is off limits to the public," I sling my bag over my shoulder. "If you're here for your art then I suggest you speak to Taehyung, he's handling that right now."

Jungkook doesn't speak.

"Alright..." I slowly walk toward the door but he doesn't move to let me out, if anything, he starts strutting toward me. The scent of cologne and liquor mixed together was intoxicating in more ways than one. It instantly brought me back to the difficult times and I found myself emotionally stressed out.

"Can you move?" I ask nicely.

"The art work I bought. Why do I feel as though his explanation of it was pure bullshit?" He asks, ignoring my request. Jungkook's intentions were unreadable as his face remained still and his voice monotonous.

I chuckle. "Of course it was. You don't think Taehyung would've allowed something as simplistic as that in his gallery without context, did you?" As much as I was an artistic, drawing and painting wasn't exactly my forte.

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