before we begin

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this is a harry styles/louis tomlinson au, but of course, to the harries that were intrigued by the cover art, welcome to our world. i bet my left arm you'll like it a lot more!


whenever there's a ". . ." in the middle of a texting thread, that translates into "a few minutes pass". this was simply to avoid the awkward time-tracking sentences in between texts. i think it works.



okay so. i know i said i've moved on to ao3 because i like it so much more, but i still have a copious amount of readers on this app and i kind of wanna give them/you what they/you deserve. so i'm posting this sort of as a tribute to "sexting". which, by the way, is a story i'm very embarrassed to have written. it's badly written, the terminology is shit, the concept is cringy; but i know some of you disagree.

so here's a better story with a similar concept!

i only did this for fun, by the way. it just kind of came to me and i didn't put much thought into it, i just let my fingers write along a bit.

so. let's do this?


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