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Text-thread: Louis and my plum.

my plum: hiiii

. . .

my plum: helloooOoooOoo

. . .

my plum: why are you hiding >:(

. . .

my plum: help me pick an outfit

Louis: to what?

my plum: there you are

my plum: for the date

Louis: no

my plum: sleek and stylish, or soft and casual?

Louis: neither

my plum: then what?

Louis: idk

my plum: you're supposed to like, joke around and tell me to go naked or something :(

Louis: that's the last thing i want you to do

my plum: why are you so serious all of a sudden

Louis changed contact name from my plum to dumb-bum.

Louis: because you don't get it

dumb-bum: which part?

. . .

dumb-bum: hey

. . .

dumb-bum: i'm sorry :(

. . .

dumb-bum: please don't ignore me i'm gonna fucking cry

Louis: don't say that

dumb-bum: i don't want you to be mad at me i like you too much

Louis: i'm not mad

Louis: just upset

dumb-bum: because of what?

. . .

Louis: i'll tell you some other time

dumb-bum: fine


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