> thirteen <

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five days later...

Text-thread: Louis and my plum.

my plum: um hi

. . .

Louis: hi

my plum: are you mad at me?

Louis: no not at all

Louis: i'm sorry i made you think so

my plum: oh

my plum: are you tired of me then? :(

Louis: never !

Louis: i didn't text you because i thought you didn't wanna talk to me

my plum: oh same

Louis: really?

my plum: yeah

Louis: well then let's stop avoiding each other? i fucking miss you loads haha

my plum: yes pls, i miss you too :)

Louis: did the thing from last week get resolved?

my plum: yeah a friend of a friend had seen me with the guy and knew his name so i reported him and sent in screenshots of our conversation

Louis: that's good, i'm glad

Louis: you feeling okay?

my plum: yeah i still don't remember

Louis: okay

my plum: i wouldn't have made out with him if i wasn't drugged/drunk i'm sure

Louis: why not?

my plum: i don't really do that with strangers

my plum: i want a serious relationship so i'm not really into random hookups like that

Louis: that's fair

Louis: same, though

my plum: i feel like we definitely lost our wit :(

Louis: i'm sorry i feel tense

my plum: tense how?

Louis: well , there's tension in my genitalia ... wanna give it a massage ?

my plum: ...

Louis: :D

my plum: i guess i asked for it

Louis: sorry ? are you saying you *asked* to give my genitals a massage ? in that case, i'll happily accept :)

my plum: .__. you know what i meant

Louis: still a bit tense over here

my plum: can't help you over the phone

Louis: i wouldn't say i agree with that statement

my plum: ... you're obscene

Louis: keep talking i'm close

my plum: STOP

Louis: hahahaha

my plum: are you sure you're not like, idk, dreading to continue texting me? i feel like i annoy and if i do i don't wanna keep nagging you

Louis: no :( i'm so sorry i made you think that. you don't annoy me at all ! you never have.

Louis: you're wonderful really

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