> twenty-eight <

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Text-thread: Louis and my plum.

Louis: hi

my plum: i'm busy bye

Louis: ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

my plum: you're a meanie

Louis: fine i'm sorry for not sexting you

Louis: happy ?

my plum: no

Louis: [inserted picture from camera roll] happy now ?

my plum: \(☉ᗝ☉)/


Louis: what?

my plum: it's so ... perfect

my plum: dicks are not supposed to be pretty what are you EATING?

Louis: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my plum: did you take that picture now or

Louis: no that was a few hours ago

my plum: and your first thought wasn't to send it to me? >:(

Louis: i took it so i could make you stop whining when i needed to

my plum: hmph

my plum: i'm saving it for later

my plum: what are you up to?

Louis: watching a show under a blanket with fluffy socks on

my plum: aw aw aw (✿◠‿◠)

my plum: i wanna cuddle u

Louis: i'd treat you so well

my plum: i know

my plum: i'd cook for you

Louis: i'd eat it and then eat you

my plum: hehe

my plum: do your mates know?

Louis: that i eat ass?

my plum: .__.

my plum: about me..

Louis: most of them know of our interactions and how i feel about you and all of that

Louis: they don't know you're a guy tho

my plum: oh

Louis: i mean , i kind of hinted it to one of my mates , but the others don't know

my plum: so ... you refer to me as a girl?

Louis: no !! fuck, no, absolutely not

Louis: i told them we kept it anonymous , i just haven't told em we revealed our genders

my plum: why exactly?

Louis: i know why you're asking and i'm not ashamed, alright

Louis: i'm just scared of how they'll react, you know ? what if one of them's secretly homophobic, or something ? i'm not ready for that chat

my plum: okay

Louis: hey, did i say something stupid ?

my plum: no, you're fine

Louis: don't do that

Louis: tell me what's wrong

my plum: you didn't do anything i'm just.. i don't know. i feel like a burden. if i'd been a girl this had been so much easier..

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